
    How to wear a suit: A style guide for men

    One of the most classic menswear pieces that have never gone out of style is the suit. This versatile piece can go from day to night, business to casual, and everywhere in between.

    However, some men don’t know the basics of how to wear a suit properly. Either by poor fit or pairing the wrong accessories, your suit may fall flat instead of looking put together.

    That’s where we come in. We are here to show you how to wear a suit and do it the right way.

    Want to learn more? Then keep on reading for this suit style guide for men.

    How to Wear a Suit: The Basics

    No matter the occasion, making sure that your suit covers the basics is a surefire way to look awesome. Here are some things to consider when going suit shopping.

    The Color

    Your mind may go to black, but the best colors for suits are navy or darker neutrals, like grey. Black is great for more formal events but maybe too harsh for day-to-day wear. Opting for a more neutral suit also guarantees that it is easily wearable in various styles.

    The Cut

    Suits come in all shapes and sizes for all different body types, so deciding on the cut is completely up to your personal preference and what you feel sharpest in. However, some universal guidelines will help with the fit of the suit.

    First, make sure it’s not too baggy. You want the suit jacket to fit well in the waist and show off your shoulders. Additionally, make sure the arms of the jacket are not too long. You want to be able to see around a quarter-inch of your shirt cuff to peak through.

    As for the pants, make sure they aren’t slouchy. An ill-fitting suit can look sloppy, and if your pants drag on the floor, it can also get dirty. You want your pants to skim across the top of your shoe, creating a slight crease.

    If there are too many creases and the bottoms look droopy, then your pants are too long. However, if your pants have no crease, then your suit pants are too short.

    Suits are meant to be tailored to your unique body, and no suit is going to fit you perfectly straight from the store. To ensure that your suit is perfectly altered, so to a tailor and have them take a look to give you the best fit possible.

    The Season

    As the temperature changes, so do the options for your suit. In the summertime, you may not want to wear the same dark suit that hangs in your wardrobe. In this case, opt for a lighter, tan-colored suit or a light blue one to add a pop of color.

    Seersucker or cotton are excellent breathable fabrics to withstand the summer sun but still look sharp.

    Now that you have the basics covered let’s dive into how to style your suit.

    Casual Suit Style

    If you want to rock a suit without looking too formal, there are ways to style it to embody a more casual but still put-together look.

    In the colder months, try adding some knits underneath your suit. This way, you can stay warm but add more visual texture to the look of your suit. To ensure you keep the suit’s slim-fit aesthetic, opt for knits with a little lighter weight and don’t add too much bulk.

    Additionally, if the temperature is milder, you can make you suit more casual by swapping a dress shirt for a t-shirt. Since you have the basic jacket and pant combo down, adding a t-shirt with some detailing or visual flare can be a great way to add personality.

    Lastly, if you really want to dress your suit down, consider swapping out your dress shoes for a pair of nice sneakers. The contrast between the sharp, elegant suit and the more relaxed shoe is an excellent way to make your suit look more casual while still staying on-trend.

    The key here is to make sure the sneakers are neutral and not over the top. You don’t want the oversized sneaker grabbing too much attention or having a lot of brash, bright colors. Instead, opt for a sleek, solid color sneaker that can make your casual look have cohesion.

    Accessorizing Your Suit

    Suit accessories can truly make or break your entire ensemble, so it’s imperative to pick out the accessories that will enhance your overall look. With the suit, you get the foundation of an outfit. With the accessories, you can truly make the suit your own.

    Here are some accessories to add some oomph to your suits.

    Show Personality With a Great Tie

    Ties are excellent for adding some personal style to your suit. However, there are some helpful guidelines to make sure that your tie looks best with your suit.

    Ensure that the color works well with your shirt and suit while also making sure that it is correct proportions to your body. A tie that is too thick may look odd, and one that is too thin may get lost in the suit.

    It’s all about balance and making sure that you have a well-thought-out look and put together.

    Tie Clips

    Tie clips are some of the simplest accessories to add to your suit. They also add an element of functionality by keeping your tie in place.

    Opt for a tie clip when you don’t have a vest on, and make sure that the tie clip is not wider than your tie. Also, keep in mind the hardware on your suit, and make sure your tie clip’s color and finish complements your whole ensemble.

    How to Wear a Suit and Stun the Crowd

    With this guide, you can now confidently how to wear a suit in a formal setting or casual setting in any season. Whether you want to dress your suit up or down, you know have options and a reference guide to pull from.

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