
    Nervous about impending procedures?

    It is normal to feel anxious about an impending treatment, and many patients actually avoid going to the dentist because of these feelings.  There are many reasons why individuals don’t want to go to the dentist, including bad experiences, cost, dislike of the instruments, or simply a fear of the unknown.

    Dentists understand that these feelings are reasonable and therefore have made approaches that give these nervous patients a means of working through their fear and getting the treatment that they need.

    Dental implants replace missing teeth to restore a smile to original functionality again.  It is not good to leave gaps in a smile as this can compromise the health of remaining teeth.  Teeth are designed to work together in unison, where they are dependent on one another for stability and to remain healthy.

    Once a tooth is lost, people can experience a shifting of their remaining teeth, and they are also more susceptible to damage and decay.  By replacing a missing tooth as quickly as possible, people are doing what they can to maintain a good overall level of oral health, which will benefit their overall health as well.

    What can be done for nervous patients?

    There are two types of sedation treatments available for anxious patients so that they can be more relaxed and comfortable throughout the treatment process.  The first is an IV, or intravenous sedation, and the other is inhalation sedation.

    It is important to be honest and open with dentists about anxiety regarding a dental treatment as nerves can negatively impact their ability to provide the best kind of dental care.  If a patient needs to continually stop to gather themselves, or are very tense and resistant to the procedure, this can inhibit a dentist’s ability to work as they need to.

    It is okay to stop and take time and no dentist will discourage this, but if they are able to ensure that their patient is more comfortable, then they will be happy to offer the solutions available.

    Intravenous sedation is injected into a patient with a controlled dose that is calculated prior to the actual treatment day.

    Patients experience a sense of peace and are fully aware of what is going on. They are simply more relaxed and comfortable with proceedings, allowing the dentist to get on and quickly complete the task entrusted to them.

    Inhalation sedation, otherwise known as laughing gas, is a mix of nitrous oxide and oxygen that is given to the patient to inhale. With this kind of sedation, there are very little side effects and a patient is free to drive home afterwards.  It is recommended that a patient does not control a vehicle after IV sedation.

    Both options have their advantages and it is up to the dentist and their patient to discuss these to decide what the best option would be for them.

    Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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