
    5 Effective Ways to Boost your E-Store Sales

    If you run a shopping cart website and business is far from brisk, perhaps it is time to review your digital marketing strategies. The competition is fierce and without some kind of online marketing plan, you are destined to be an also ran; check out what your major rival websites look like and find out what you can about their products and prices.

    Here are a few tried and tested ways to drive traffic to an e-commerce platform.

    1. Social media – Boost a single Facebook post that introduces your business to the user; for a couple of hundred dollars, you can reach thousands of users and there are lots of variables that you can select to fine-tune who gets to see your post on their feed. Make sure the content is top-notch and add a link to your store and you should be good to go. Explore the marketing tools available to you with Facebook and you can expand your brand.
    2. Gift cards – Gift cards are a great way to reach new customers; the Asos e-gift card is a very popular brand and will surely see sales rise. People love gift cards because it is a convenient way to give a suitable gift that the recipient can use to buy products and Asos has a far reach in terms of outlets.
    3. SEO – Search engine optimisation is the practice of improving a website’s rankings within specific Google searches; there are ways to help Google to notice your platform, such as keyword insertion, link building and content marketing. Millions of uses Google products and services and the closer you are to the top search result, the more traffic you will enjoy; for the best results, talk to an award-winning SEO agency.
    4. Seasonal discounts – If you have the margin, attract customers with a seasonal discount; price shoppers are always hunting for seasonal discounts and with the right SEO, you can drive a high volume of users to your e-store. You can plan your seasonal campaigns, so you always have one in the pipeline, so to speak. Think about the ad content; consider bringing in a professional content creator, you want the best impact when advertising, so invest in content creation. Click here to discover why more people are working out at home.
    5. Blogging – You can guest post blogs on independent blogging sites, adding links to your landing page, which can be effective in driving organic traffic. If you don’t have the time to write blogs, contact a digital marketing agency and they can create pro content that engages the reader and links to your e-store are carefully placed within the blogs.

    There are quite a few ways that you can promote your e-store and make sure that the UX is smooth and your prices are competitive. Make sure that your ad content does not conflict with consumer rights, which could be costly and we hope you hit on effective strategies to make your business healthier.

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