
    A Guide to Running Virtual Company Events

    If your company is running any events this year, you know it can be a big job. You need to ensure that there are enough supplies for the event, coordinate the staffing, and organize everything beforehand to go smoothly. And if you’re diversifying your business model and work with virtual teams around the world, running an event becomes even more complicated than it already is. This article will help you with a few tips to get things running smoothly.


    If you’re planning an event, begin by thinking about the main points of the event. The more specific you are, the better it will be. For example, if you’re planning an anniversary party, plan what you want to do at that event. If it is a company picnic today, determine what activities will be featured for this year’s company picnic. You can have a few activities for when employees arrive and a few more for leaving.

    With the WordPress calendar plugin, you can have an event on the calendar, so employees who are used to checking the calendar for scheduling purposes can know what’s happening.

    Once you have your schedule planned out, you should put it on paper. You can create a schedule using a free online schedule maker or use Microsoft Excel. Be sure to keep the schedule handy until after the event happens since there’s always something that may interfere with it.

    2. Getting Employees Involved

    If you’re going to have an event that is only going to be attended by the members of your company, then you might want to get them involved in the planning process. If it’s a big event, maybe even run a contest where you ask them to compete with their best event ideas. You can then choose the best idea that you’ll implement for the event.

    Also, if it’s a smaller event, you can have your employees help out with the party’s organization. Usually, having their help will be fun for them, and they’ll enjoy being part of the planning process.

    3. Choosing a Venue

    For any event, you must find a venue to host the event. It can be anything from a country club to a fancy hotel or even your office building. If you are hosting an all-inclusive event, then you can choose whatever venue fits your needs best. But if your employees are only participating in the party on that day, it’s best to pick something more convenient for them. For example, if it’s a company picnic, then you should pick a venue that is near your headquarters.

    4. Choosing a Date and Time

    Once you have decided on the venue and the date for the event, you should determine what time to hold the event. If it’s something like an event that takes place at night or goes until late in the evening, then choose an earlier date so people can get home safely. If it’s a picnic, you can choose a time that is more convenient for your employees. For example, if you have an event on a Tuesday, maybe it’s best to arrange one on a Friday evening. It will be easier for them to get home from their jobs and they won’t be as tired the next day.

    5. Planning the Event

    For your employees, you also need to plan the event. This may mean finding a caterer or hiring a bouncer if you want more of an involved party. But remember to have fun with it! This is more of an event for them to have prizes for the winners, or maybe even have some games that will entertain them during the party.

    6. Having the Party

    Once you have your party planned out, it’s time to have the event itself. If you’re planning a picnic, then you should set up tables for each of your employees, and they’ll be able to relax. You can serve up beverages and snacks and even conduct a few fun activities for everyone.

    7. After the Event

    This is an important part of running an event because it will determine how successful the event was. If you want to give away prizes or other awards, then this is where you can do that. You should also be able to determine how much money you spent on the event. If it was a smaller event, then you should be able to estimate the costs.

    8. Recording Results

    Once the event has ended, you need to record the results. This will include finding out how many employees attended and their feedback about the experience. This will be useful for your future events.

    9. Learning from the Event

    When you have a few event planning experiences, you’ll start to see what works best and what doesn’t work as well. For example, if you have a picnic, maybe a buffet-style instead of a feeding line is better. And if you have an all-inclusive event, maybe doing it from 4-8 PM instead of from noon-8 PM makes more sense. You’ll get more employees attending if you get the timing right, so think about how it will make things easier for everyone.


    A corporate event can be a lot of fun for both you and your employees, but it is a lot of work as well. If you’re a business owner, then you’ll want to make sure that the event goes smoothly with little or no unexpected problems. You’ll also want to make sure that whatever decisions you make will be beneficial for everyone involved.

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