
    Sweepstakes With A Bonus Entry Contest Will Get More Instagrammers To A Fashion Site

    Using the Instagram platform is ideally the best approach that a business can follow to increase site traffic, and according to research fashion sites are more benefitted with this approach.

    There are lots of ways in which you can get more and more Instagram followers to engage with your post and direct them towards your website to increase the number of traffic to it.One such is running an Instagram sweepstakes, even though a lot of people will say that running a branded hashtag contest is awesome.

    It is true and branded hashtag contest may provide splendid results but running sweepstakes are equally good and productive and there are several good reasons to say so.

    • Running an Instagram branded hashtag contest is one of the best ways to generate traffic to a site, create more engagement among the users and drive more sales through Instagram. There are even several useful templates that will make creating an Instagram contest simple.
    • However, Instagram sweepstakes work particularly well for businesses that have a proper ad budget. This is because Instagram ads are the only way in which a business can send people to the external link from a post. By sending those people to the sweepstakes page is essential for collecting emails and getting entrants.

    Another significant reason that sweepstakes is far better an approach as compared to a branded hashtag contest is that in a branded hashtag contest, the entrants are required to upload a photo with a branded hashtag to their profile. This, effective as it may be, can sometimes prove to be a too big ask for them.

    On the other hand, running an Instagram sweepstakes instead in that case can be a lot easier and more productive approach for both your brand and your target market. This is because the entry process is a bit different.

    Process to create sweepstakes page

    All you have to do for running a sweepstakes is use a contest app of your choice to build a sweepstakes page that should feature everything from:

    • The information about your contest
    • The prize you promise to the winner of the contest and
    • A contest form to be filled with the information that you want to collect from the entrants.

    However, to keep things simpler, you should not ask the entrants to fill up too many things in the form. The less is the better. Experts Instagram marketers like Gramista and others will often suggest asking for email address only or just the name of the entrant along with the email address.

    Once you got the names and email addresses of the entrants, you should then schedule a set of Instagram posts or Instagram Stories. These will help you to inform the followers about the sweepstakes and its relevant information.

    • Make sure that there is a calltoaction that will direct them to your contest page that you have created newly.
    • The best practice in Instagram is to add this link in your profile bio.

    This will help the people to click on it easily and enter.

    Add a bonus entry contest

    You will get even more followers to your Instagram account and thereby to your site with a bonus entry contest. This is in keeping with the idea that Instagram, a great marketing tool that it may be, is of no real use if you do not have anybody to market to.

    Therefore, whether you are a new entrant to the fashion industry or have an established brand but trying to get started on Instagram in an effort to expand the existing follower count of your business, a bonus entry contest is right for anyone.

    The good things about bonus entry contests are that:

    • It is the best way to grow your Instagram following rapidly
    • It will help you to drive engagement on several different social media platforms
    • It will prove to be an important aspect to meet with all the necessities for your growing fashion business.

    This is because it will reward the entrants who engage with your business on social media directly and comprehensively.

    These rewards may be different but all will be useful. It could be:

    • Earning five extra entries for following you on Instagram
    • Three extra entries for Tweeting the contest link
    • Ten extra entries for getting a friend to enter into the contest and much more.

    In short, running a bonus entry contest will excessively well for increasing your social media following and then drive them to your fashion site to increase traffic and sales prospects.

    influencer marketing concept of information

    A product with a carousel ad

    It seems that the practice of “unboxing” videos and photos is everywhere on Instagram which is a hot favorite in the ecommerce as well as in the fashion world. The reasons seem to be very simple.

    • This is because the consumers want to be unequivocally certain about getting what they want when they order for a product.
    • They also want to know what the experience will be exactly like when they actually receive the product.

    This helps them to know that the brand that they love is delivering them exactly what they expect them to. This will ensure that they get the real value from their brands not only in terms of then product that they wish to buy but also in the form of user experience and value for their money and trust on the brand.

    The good thing about Instagram is that you can document this unboxing experience for any or all of your products simply by creating a carousel ad.

    • This carousel ad will allowyou to place the various photos or videos within the same ad.
    • This will also allow these photos or videos to be swiped through by the users who come across your advertisement in their Instagram feeds.

    If you want further better results and more followers to your Instagram account and your fashion site, you can also build carousel ads into your Instagram Stories. This is a great way that is followed by several major fashion brands and have succeeded in gaining a lot of followers and organic traffic to their site.

    Karen Anthony
    Karen Anthony
    Karen is a Business Tech Analyst. She is very responsible towards her job. She helps marketers to achieve better results.

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