
    Bad breath? You probably suffer from halitosis

    Bad breath is medically known as halitosis and is defined as the set of unpleasant odors emitted by the mouth, besides an embarrassing situation that can also cause anxiety. Generally, every time we feel that we have bad breath, we usually brush our teeth or chew mint or peppermint gum, only to realize later that even that does not help. This is because halitosis is considered a problem caused by poor oral hygiene that generates the presence of bacteria from food debris between the teeth, tongue and gums or by diseases in teeth or even other kinds. Knowing this, now we ask ourselves, how can halitosis be eliminated? Is it possible? Yes, and we will find out in this article. fake tag heuer

    However, it is necessary to consult a specialist in case of feeling a bad breath.

    Halitosis or bad breath

    There are many factors that can cause the origin of halitosis, the main one, as mentioned above, is bacteria related to periodontitis (a bacterial infection of the tissues that support and surround the teeth) that is accompanied by food and blood due to inflammation, which causes bad breath. Other causes can include:

    It is important to mention that halitosis should not be confused with punctual halitosis or halitosis related to the ingestion of food, mainly those with a strong flavor, tobacco or wine, because this type of halitosis is produced by the food or drink that was taken at the time, however, this usually disappears with time.

    In addition to the common causes mentioned, in other cases there is the possibility of suffering from halitosis that is not related to the mouth (extraoral halitosis), that is, it is related to medical problems that may be related to the pharyngeal area such as tonsillitis or rhinopharynx, or related to digestive problems that are associated with helicobacter pylori with the presence of reflux, which can cause temporary halitosis.

    Warning signs

    It is really difficult to diagnose a person with halitosis because it is not always possible to detect bad breath by oneself. So when you go to a specialist, different aspects are involved that are fundamental for the diagnosis, for example:

    • Hygiene habits
    • Lifestyle
    • Oral health status
    • General health status.

    Once the dentist has reviewed all the possible reasons why the patient suffers from bad breath, it is when he can say if it is an oral, extraoral or temporary halitosis. It is important to mention that usually for a better diagnosis, dentists rather an appointment in the mornings.

    Can halitosis be eliminated?

    Halitosis can be eliminated once the exact cause is known. For example, in case the origin of bad breath is the presence of periodontitis or caries, each of them must be treated first in order to eliminate bad breath, so you should visit a dentist. Once the causes have been treated and eliminated, it is recommended to acquire healthy habits to reduce the risks of bad breath or eliminate halitosis. Other recommendations include:

    1. Use antimicrobial agents (when recommended by your specialist).
    2. Brush your teeth properly, you can ask your dentist for help to improve brushing. 
    3. Perform interproximal and complete cleaning of the tongue.
    4. Treatment of dental diseases.
    5. Mouthwashes and toothpastes, mainly when bad breath is caused by bacteria in the teeth.
    6. Flossing at least once a day helps to remove food particles and plaque between the teeth. This reduces the risk of bad breath.
    7. Change your toothbrush regularly.
    8. Clean dentures or orthodontic appliances such as bridges at least once a day.
    9. Adjust your diet, avoid foods such as garlic and onions that generally cause bad breath. In addition to sugary foods that can also cause it.
    10. Avoid coffee and alcohol consumption.
    11. It is advisable to drink plenty of water.

    It is important to maintain all the habits mentioned above to prevent bad breath from originating or to eliminate it completely. Remember that these recommendations are complementary to those of your dentist.

    To conclude 

    In conclusion, It is not difficult to eliminate the risks of having bad breath, since it is only necessary to maintain proper oral hygiene and good health. Therefore, it is important to always consult a specialist such as a dentist or general practitioner to maintain proper health and eliminate the risks of this situation.

    Remember that bad breath does not always mean that you are not maintaining the best dental hygiene but that there may be more severe problems in other parts of the body. It is important to avoid self-medicating as this could aggravate the problems instead of solving them.

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