
    5 Ways to Help Fight Your Allergies

    If you’ve got allergies, trust us, you are certainly not alone. In fact, each year sees more than 50 million Americans experiencing one or more types of allergies both indoors and outdoors. It’s a very common health issue, but there is an excellent variety of approaches to consider in addressing your allergies and taking control. Our allergy expert team has put together a list of allergy-fighting tactics you can try.

    1. Close The Windows

    We understand. You want to usher in those soothing breezes by cranking open your windows, but it’s essential to protect your inside air when the pollen count goes high. Pollen is a sneaky powdery substance that quietly wafts into the home, settling into your furniture, rugs, and upholstery, and then you end up miserable sneezing and wheezing.

    Our allergy pros recommend installing 20x20x1 air filters on your furnace or air conditioners, for instance. These are designed to attract and trap not only annoying pollen but also pet dander, bacteria, smoke, and viruses from the air passing through them.

    2. Go For The Steam

    You can try this with a hot shower running as you sit in the bathroom and take it all in, but our experts have a more effective, old-fashioned allergy fighter. It’s called making a steam tent, and it really works well.

    Boil a big pot of water, grab a large towel and place it over your head and shoulders to trap in the steam. Hold your head over the pot, and slowly breathe in the incredibly hot, moist vapor.

    If your sinuses are clogged, inhaling some steam for two to five minutes will soothe a stuffy nose and allow you to breathe with ease again. In addition, this method is great for a mini facial as it steams open your pores for a clear, radiant complexion.

    3. Drop Shoes At The Door

    Most of the time, we have to be outdoors at some point even when the pollen numbers are at an all-time crazy high. The worst thing you can do is unknowingly track it all into the home.

    Our allergy professionals advise leaving your shoes at the door. That’s not all. Your body, outfit, and hair are still carrying microparticles from wherever your journey has taken you. Hop into the shower, and toss your clothing into the wash.

    4. Use Certified Cleaning Products

    Another strategy is to look for certified cleaning products that are superb at removing allergens and irritants from fabrics and hard surfaces. Not every cleaning product is created the same way, and those containing potentially harmful chemicals can often trigger allergy and asthma issues. Certified cleaning products have been tested in a variety of ways. For example, these formulas’ ingredients are all evaluated for toxicological, allergenic, and sensitizing purposes.

    There are common household products to avoid, according to immunologists. These irritators would include chemicals such as formaldehyde, ammonia, sodium lauryl sulfate, D-limonene, and sodium hypochlorite. Read your labels and opt for green cleaning and certified products. If you would prefer cleaning with basic natural ingredients, baking soda and vinegar can be effective at removing allergens.

    5. Use Anti-Allergy Bedding

    Dust mites and pollen don’t sound appealing for any cozy bedroom, but these often find their way into your bed and bedding. The experts tell us that the right hot water temperature at 130 °F or stronger can kill and remove dust mites.

    There is also anti-allergy bedding to consider. These special fabrics developed for pillowcases, sheets, comforters, and mattress covers create an effective barrier against allergens and irritants. Best of all, the bedding is comfortable, breathable, and durable, and made to prevent irritant responses. There is also an anti-microbial component in the fibers to maintain bedding freshness.

    Allergies always pop up during the seasons, and unfortunately, we all have to deal with them in some form or another. Hay fever’s one of the most common allergies that affect both children and adults, but maybe you suffer from a different type. There are food allergies, those concerning drugs and insect allergies, and latex allergies. Manage your allergies with prevention and treatment, and look over our tips to help you stay on top of the situation.

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