
    8 Things to Do After Testing Positive

    “You are pregnant”, is a piece of news that may bring happiness to many. But for some women, this can result in an unexpected surprise. Whether it is an unwanted pregnancy or not, you need to weigh your options to decide what to do next. Should you keep the pregnancy or choose alternatives to it? How to maintain your health and whom to discuss the development with? In this post, we will take you through all these questions.

    1.     Find Out If You Are Really Pregnant

    If you are counting the days from the last menstrual bleeding and thinking you have conceived after missing a period, then recheck the fact. Though pregnancy tests are possible at home, to actually confirm you have conceived or not, go for an ultrasonographic scan of the uterus. This shall let you know for sure about the reality and then you can come up with a valid result.

    2.     Address Your Emotions Immediately

    The news of pregnancy could shake you up and lead to a burst of emotions, difficult to handle. But since this is a battle of your own at first, you need to immediately address your emotions. Before even discussing or talking to anyone, it is you who has to accept the fact that you are pregnant and calm down. You will get through this and be able to get control over the situation.

    3.     Search for Support and Medical Assistance

    So, whom do you want to inform about the unwanted pregnancy – is it the father, your parents, a friend, or close ones? Think through and look for someone trustable to confide in if you wish to discuss your feelings or take support of the person for further steps. Also, this is the right time to look for medical assistance as you will have to take the required medicines and diet to stay healthy and recover soon.

    4.     Avoid Physical and Psychological Stress

    Though pregnancy tests are easy to do at home, it is foolish to hide the stress of unintended pregnancy, and build up mental stress. Find activities that will keep you busy and go on with your daily schedule, as usual, to keep tensions at bay. If you are a fitness-oriented person, stick to workouts that are pregnancy-friendly. Do not tire out physically to a level that it can hurt you and turn into a dangerous situation.

    5.     Estimate the Due Date

    How further along you are in pregnancy? Your options to manage an unwanted pregnancy depends on the gestation age. This is why you must estimate the delivery date. A healthcare provider will be able to tell you the due date for the delivery. Use this information to seek out solutions that will suit your needs, while not interfering with your well-being.

    6.     Keeping the Pregnancy or Not

    An undesirable pregnancy may mean you either want to terminate it or give the child up for adoption. If you wish to end the pregnancy, you can take abortion pills, and self-manage the procedure in comfort. Or, you can visit a healthcare center for invasive treatment.

    If you are far along in pregnancy and ending it may seem risky, then you can go for adoption. After the child is born, you may have to do some formalities to complete the legal measures and go for adoption. So, collect information on the same beforehand.

    7.     Raise the Child Together with Your Partner

    If you and your partner are prepared to share the responsibility and parent the child along with you, then you may continue with the pregnancy. But understand for sure if this is what both of you want. Unwillingness for the decision can, later on, create troubles in your relationship otherwise. This will also not provide a conducive environment for the child’s healthy growth.

    8.     Being a Single Parent

    Sometimes it is the partner for whom the unwanted pregnancy may seem a problem. While you could be willing to become a parent, your better half may not have the same thoughts. So, if you may, you can also become a single parent to the child. If you decide so, then you have a few things to figure out financially, physically, socially, mentally, and in many other ways.

    To Conclude

    After pregnancy tests come as positive, remember, you have to decide what will be best for you and your dear ones. So, take a mindful call, after all, it is you who will take the direct impact of whatever your decision will be.

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