
    Acne & Scars – A Whole Guide to Causes and Treatments

    What is Acne?

    ‘Acne’ the term comes from a word called ‘Acme’ meaning the highest point or spot during 1835.

    Acne is a skin disease that involves the oil glands at the base of our hair follicles, also medically known as acne vulgaris.

    Commonly acne occurs during the puberty stage, when the sebaceous or oil glands come to maturity. It involves a process infected with bacteria, resulting in to swellings.

    Acne can occur in the facial skin, neck, chest, back.

    Why does Acne occur?

    There are a number of studies stating different reasons for acne. Scientifically, it’s believed that rise in Androgen (hormone) level is one of the primary cause of acne. The level rises when a human approaches puberty and hence, most of the time teenagers are affected with acne.

    Basically this hormone induces oil glands to grow under the skin, increasing higher oil production. The excessive sebum breaks the cellular wall aiding bacterial infection.

    Can you get affected by Acne?

    Scientific studies say most of the people get affected by acne once in their life time in a span of 11-30 years. For some, it may be continued thereafter. The lifestyle and eating habits are one of the major reasons that we don’t get rid of acne very easily. “Age no bar” when it comes to skin problems like Acne.

    It’s also believed acne problems in males last longer than females due to certain hormonal influences.

    In India, 80% of youth possess acne or acne related issues.

    Acne is really not a dangerous skin disease but it may lead to extremely bad appearance. Often Acne leaves a mark of acne scars especially on the facial skin.

    What are the chances of getting Acne Scar?

    First let’s elaborate on the definition of Acne Scar:

    Acne scars occur from the severe types of acne. Generally the severe types of acne which causes nodules and the skin is punctured too deep in the layer. The scar develops in the second layer of the skin which is well protected by the outer layer of the skin. Acne scars causes the loss in collagen content in dermis layer and this is why the scars are depressed or pitted. Depending on the acne the scars could get wide and deep pitted resulting in to an extremely bad appearance.

    How would you know your acne can cause scar?

    Not all the acne results in to scarring as mentioned previously.

    Check if you have a purple or brown bump, that’s too painful there are high chances that you will get scars.

    Can home remedies be helpful to reduce scars?

    It’s very important to understand that scars occur in the dermis (2nd) layer of the skin well protected by the epidermis i.e. the 1st layer of the skin.

    While there’s myth that picking any acne may cause scars, it’s not true.

    Once the scar tissue is formed, it stays deep in the skin. Hence, tropical use of any home remedy is not at all helpful as it doesn’t reach the inner layer.

    You need to take medical treatments that reaches the inner layer in order to correct those scars from within.

    The golden thumb rule is

    “To prevent Acne Scars Prevent Acne”.

    What are the usual causes of Acne?

    Apart from the age factors, here’s a few habits that can get you acne.

    • Oily skin
    • Bad diet
    • Cosmetics
    • Dandruff
    • Lack of sleep
    • Constipation
    • Hygiene
    • Anxiety and stress
    • Contraceptive pills
    • Pregnancy
    • Pollution
    • Heat and humidity

    Stages of Acne:

    Types of Acne:

    Comedones – 1] Black head – Passive acne 2] White head – Active acne

    Popular Acne – Active acne

    Pustular Acne – Active acne

    Cystic Acne – Passive acne

    Nodular Acne – Passive acne

    Acne Vulgaris – Inflammatory acne or Adolescent acne

    Sites of Acne – Face, Neck, Back, Upper chest, Shoulder

    Complication – Scar, Pigmentation, Pits, Cosmetical Complication

    Acne Scar Treatments:

    1. Face Care:

    Face care is the regular prevention norms that you need to follow for your facial skin. This will protect the skin to get worse, to some extent. These are very easy home procedures that you need to follow daily.

    Keep your skin clear –

    Use a mild face wash to clean the impurities of your skin. Wash your face after you wake up in the morning and before going to bed. Washing your face twice daily should be a minimum.

    Chose moisturizer wisely –

    Do not use oil-based products if you have acne or acne prone skin. Use a mild moisturizer depending on your skin type and do not dry out your skin. Also check for the word ‘Noncomedogenic’ in the label as it means it shouldn’t cause acne.

    Do not wear any make up –

    If you have break-out, avoid make up as much as possible or chose a make-up product having Noncomedogenic in the label.

    Do check your hair-products –

    Oily scalp can add up to the oil you have on your face. Use a scalp cleaning gentle shampoo for daily usage. In case you are oiling your scalp, prevent the oil to come off to your forehead. Also, take care of the dandruff problems if you have any, as an itchy scalp with dandruff can cause acne.

    Strong recommendation – “Keep those hands off your face”


    While we move on to the most effective acne treatments, please note these are non-surgical and non-invasive method on your skin. There is no risk of brutal side effects as seen after surgeries. These methods treat acne for good, along with skin rejuvenation. Each method work overall to give you a supple skin that you could imagine.

    As most of the tropical creams or facials fail to provide visible results without marks, this procedure clears the skin and induces healthy skin renewal.

    All you need a great medical supervision to offer you the right care. You will start noticing the difference in your skin after a few sittings. Needless to say, patients suffering from painful acne swear by these as the most effective treatments.

    2. Peel

    Peel remove dead skin cells from superficial layer. It is lipophilic & hence an excellent agent for acne.

    The results are amazing. Post treatment your skin becomes brighter and smoother. Visible reduction in acne and acne scars. It also helps to fade away post acne pigmentation.


    Brighter & smoother skin appearance

    Reduction in Acne & Acne Scars

    Reduction in post Acne pigmentation

    3. Nano Perfector


    It composed of up to 2000 sine waveforms, synchs with body’s endogenous signals, awakens the processes that have diminished with aging, true anti-aging technology which restores the signals

    How it works

    reduces free radical damage to DNA, increases ATP production (fuel of body), increases protein function, increases cell’s natural ability to repair & regenerate, increases secretion of collagen & elastin and improves skin’s elasticity, increases microcirculation, increases cellular oxygenation

    Benefits –

    • Reduction in acne
    • Reduced pigmentation
    • Detoxification
    • Rejuvenation
    • Improved skin texture
    • Reduction in scarring
    • Reduced wrinkles & lifting of muscles
    • Reduction in dark circles
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