
    Debunking 10 Myths Surrounding Lasik Surgery with Solid Facts

    Are you contemplating a LASIK surgery but feeling skeptical about a successful outcome? Do you have any concerns surrounding pain and post-surgery complications? Wondering if the surgery would have some serious implications in the long-term? Despite the proven safety and effectiveness of Lasik surgery, several myths and misconceptions have surfaced recently. While there is plenty of information online, not every source is credible and trustworthy. Here are 10 most common misconceptions about LASIK along with facts that will put all your worries to rest:

    Myth: LASIK is a painful procedure

    Reality: Eye drops are used during the surgery to numb the eyes and the entire process can be performed in about 15 minutes. The only time during the surgery when you will feel some amount of pressure is when a corneal flap is being created. The reshaping of the eye is performed with laser technology and hence the procedure is completely pain-free. If you still feel anxious prior to the surgery, your surgeon can perform the procedure under mild sedation.

    Myth: You can lose your eyesight permanently following a LASIK surgery

    Reality: Every surgery does involve some risk but since LASIK is performed only on the front surface of your eyes, the chances of going blind are zero and serious complications are extremely rare. Every candidate is thoroughly assessed for candidacy using advanced diagnostic tools. Minor complications like dry eyes and blurred vision are experienced by some patients but again they are temporary.

    Myth: LASIK corrects vision immediately but has adverse effects in the long-term

    Reality: The use of laser technology for vision correction was introduced in the 1980’s and it has been around for more than three decades now. The surgery has some after effects but they are mild and disappear soon after the surgery.

    Myth: A poor outcome from a LASIK surgery cannot be fixed

    Reality: LASIK surgery has a remarkable success rate of 96% with 20/20 vision accuracy. The possibility of an unsatisfactory outcome is very low but if you are not happy with the results, you still have a number of safe and effective options to further improve your eyesight.

    Myth: LASIK does not offer the best results for astigmatism and farsightedness

    Reality: LASIK offers incredible results for all types of refractive errors – astigmatism, nearsightedness and farsightedness.

    Myth: The effects of LASIK don’t last long

    Reality: LASIK changes the shape of the cornea permanently to correct refractive errors like astigmatism, nearsightedness and farsightedness. The effects of the surgery do not wear off with the passage of time but aging may induce slight changes in the vision quality.

    Myth: LASIK surgery is a luxury only a few can afford

    Reality: LASIK is a sound investment that saves you money down the road while giving you permanent freedom from glasses and lenses. It is an affordable solution if you compare the cost of the surgery with the money that you are spending on contacts, solutions and reading glasses every year.

    Myth: Since the procedure is new, I will be no better than a guinea pig

    Reality: LASIK is being used to restore 20/20 vision across the globe for more than 25 years now. It has been approved by the FDA and the most recent developments in bladeless laser surgeries have a very high success ratio. The use of CustomVue technology has made LASIK surgeries all the more safe and effective in the recent years. If your surgery is performed by an experienced surgeon with a high success rate and a long record of positive outcomes, you can be confident of achieving 20/20 vision or even better.

    Myth: Natural birth will never be possible if I undergo a LASIK surgery

    Reality: This is absolutely misleading. Labor pain does not have any adverse effects on the results of a LASIK surgery. If your vision is affected, it would only be due to the hormonal changes occurring during pregnancy but again these changes are uncommon and even if they occur, the results are temporary. You can be rest assured that the pressure experienced during a natural birth would not have any impact on your vision.

    Myth: Winter is the best time of the year to undergo a LASIK surgery

    Reality: A LASIK surgery is performed in an optimally air conditioned environment and the seasonal changes have no impact on the recovery. The size of the pupil is assessed under different humidity levels and at different light intensities. Doctors also use optimized ablation profiles to ensure optimal visual outcomes. With wave front technology, LASIK gives a positive outcome in every season irrespective of the temperature, humidity levels, and lighting conditions.

    Aaron Barriga
    Aaron Barriga
    Aaron Barriga is the online marketing manager for Insight Vision Center. With a knack for understanding medical procedures, and an interest in eye and vision health, Aaron loves to share what he knows and what he learns. He blogs with a mission of informing readers about the latest eye care technology and other topics related to eye care and eye health. He loves collecting coasters from the different bars and restaurants he visits during his travels

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      • Thanks for appreciation. LASIK is an elective procedure and any adult (as the eye-sight or power as we say is stable in adults) who wishes to get rid of glasses can consult a Lasik Surgery specialist. They will perform a series of test to see if it’s safe to perform the surgery or not. And, yes, Lasik is meant to get rid of glasses.

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