
    Keys to coping after you’ve become disabled

    Life can change in a second; one day you’re on your way in life while the next day you’re dealing with a life-changing disability. You may be feeling like your life has ended and the world is shattered into pieces. It’s normal to feel this way after a traumatic event, and most people with a disability have experienced this.

    You can’t turn time back or wish away your condition, but you can still change the way you think and drive yourself to move forward. There are a lot of steps that you can take. Here are the keys to coping when you’ve become disabled.

    Live well even with a life-changing disability

    A lot of people expect to live a long and healthy life. When you’re involved in an accident and end up with a disability, you experience unnerving fears and emotions. You may be even wondering how to go on.

    Having a disability is not easy, but it doesn’t mean that your life is a tragedy. A lot of people have climbed this mountain before, and many have conquered it. And the best news is, so can you.

    Learn to accept your disability

    Accepting your disability may seem like you’re giving up, but failing to admit that will only get you stuck in the same place.

    1. Take time to mourn.

    Before you can start accepting your situation, you need to grieve first. This loss is a major one; you just didn’t lose a limb, but have lost a future that you otherwise may have had.

    2. Don’t be ashamed to say what you feel.

    It’s part of being human to feel pain and want to avoid it. However, you won’t get over your loss if you ignore your pain. Let your pain out and never be ashamed of it.

    3. Ready yourself for a roller coaster of emotions.

    You’ll be going through different emotions: anger, disbelief, sadness, and more. However, you should never beat yourself up over it. The highs and lows of your emotions will become normal in time.

    4. You don’t need to act.

    You don’t need to act brave or strong and pretending that you’re okay will not help you, your family, and friends. Let the people around know how you feel so that they can help you.

    Come to terms with your new life

    It’s okay to grieve for what you’ve lost, but it’s not okay to keep looking back. It’s essential that you let go of the past and look forward to your future.

    1. Everything will work out in the end.

    If you think that right now is the darkest moment of your life, and it won’t get better, remember that the darkest time of day is the moment before the sun rises. Sooner or later, your sun will rise, and everything will get brighter.

    2. Never dwell on the things you can no longer do.

    If you spend your time thinking about the things that your disability has taken away, you’ll end up missing out on the things that you can still do.

    3. Learn as much as you can.

    It’s essential that you take time to understand your situation, so you can prepare yourself for how to handle things and you adjust better. Insurance might also be help you in this situation – lawyers such as ones here can assist you in gaining the appropriate insurance for you, such as an individual disability insurance cover.

    Minimize the Impact

    Your life has already changed because of your disability, but it won’t help you if you live in denial. In fact, it will only make things worse.

    1. Be your own champion.

    You can be the champion of your own life. Start taking charge, because if you do, you’ll empower yourself.

    2. Take advantage of everything.

    Seek out and embrace anything that can help you, and don’t feel sorry to do so. If these things can make things easier for you, then use them.

    3. Have patience.

    Your disability will require you to learn new things, and you may have to relearn some old things. This process can be slow, and it can be infuriating, but be patient.

    Find New Purpose and Meaning

    Becoming disabled may have taken away your identity; leaving you questioning life. However, you can find new and maybe better meaning and purpose in life.

    1. Help others in any way you can.

    You may be in a bad situation, but some people have had worse. Helping will not only make you productive but also someone who can make a difference.

    2. Get a pet.

    Caring for an animal will help you feel that you’re still needed. A pet can give you joy, companionship, and unconditional love.

    3. Develop new hobbies and activities.

    Your disability may have caused you to stop doing some things. However, you can find new things that you can do, which can help you stay engaged.

    Get Help

    If you’ve been discriminated against because of your disability, don’t forget that you have rights. Get in touch with a lawyer to help you legally deal with this treatment.

    You may think that your life has ended because you’ve lost part of your life. However, just like in show business, no matter what you’ve missed, the show must go on. Your curtains have not closed yet; keep living your life, experience how good it is to live, and face everything that comes your way head on.

    Andrew Nickleson
    Andrew Nickleson
    Andrew is a passionate writer, writing about disabilities and the law. He has written about many subjects aimed to help those who have questions unanswered. In his spare time he enjoys working on volunteering for those less fortunate.

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