
    Is There a Connection Between Poor Posture and Herniated Discs?

    Many people suffer with back pain that stems from a wide variety of causes. It may be surprising to some of those who suffer that a poor posture could be to blame for some of their back pain and other related conditions. Herniated discs, in particular, can be very troublesome. ALthough posture isn’t necessarily the cause of herniated discs, it definitely can aggravate the pain and other symptoms. When we talk about posture, it doesn’t only apply to how we stand. Our bodies are made to move, so we have to look at our posture as we’re moving. Let’s look at the connection between a poor posture and herniated discs.

    Lifting Posture

    Whether you’ve got herniated discs or not, lifting with your legs should be a cardinal rule. It’s important to keep as much of the weight being lifted off of the lower back. The weight of what’s being carried isn’t the issue. It’s the distribution of that weight throughout the body. A proper lifting posture means lifting with the chest forward to keep the back straight. This also means bending at the hip and not the lower back. Once you have the load you’ll need to lead with your hips when changing directions to avoid stressing your back. Lastly, keep the load as close to your body as possible.

    Sitting Posture

    Surprisingly, standing poses less stress on spinal discs than sitting does, which is why it is imperative not to slouch while sitting. Slouching forward while sitting can stretch the spinal ligaments and put a strain on a herniated disc. If you have herniated discs try to keep your back flat against your chair with your shoulders tall and head level. Keep the knees and hips level or your knees slightly above the hips with your feet flat on the floor or af ootrest. A proper sitting posture will help take some of the pressure off of the lumbar spine. Also, remember to move frequently. Get up and move around every 30 minutes or so.

    Walking Posture

    It doesn’t matter why you’re walking, but what matters is how you’re walking. Something as simple as taking too long of a stride or walking too quickly can aggravate a herniated disc. It’s important to pace yourself and to land each step between your middle foot and heel before using your toes to push off. Keep your head up with your shoulders tall while you focus ahead of you. LIghtly pull your stomach inwards, but not so tight that you’re uncomfortable and unable to breathe normally. Running or jogging may not be a good option for someone with a herniated disc, so be sure to consult with your healthcare provider before undertaking an exercise regimen.

    Keep in mind that taking all of these precautions to heart is no guarantee that you’ll be symptom free. Herniated discs are a very uncomfortable condition to have, and require the expertise of a medical professional. Although posture is not the cause of herniated discs, posture can make a difference in how some individuals experience the condition.

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