5 Essential Tips for a Happy & Healthy Autumn

5 Essential Tips for a Happy & Healthy Autumn

The end of summer can be a sad time; we’re a society of sun-worshippers, and it’s certainly true that it can be easier to take care of your general health and well-being when the weather’s warmer. The days are longer, you’ve got more energy, and it’s natural to want to spend time more outside and being active. But sooner or later, autumn is going to come around, meaning it’s even more important to look after yourself. So bear these five top tips in mind, and weather the change in the seasons cheerfully!

How to get rid of dry skin

Dry skin is an annoying little niggle that often comes with the colder weather. Cold, rain, and wind strip the natural oils from your skin and dry it out, and if you don’t regularly top it up, your skin can crack and get quite painful. So start wearing gloves early – a little before it’s cold enough to really need them – so that dry skin doesn’t get a start on you: it’s easier to prevent than get rid of! Only get your hands wet when you really need to: wear washing up gloves when cleaning, and protect your hands from the rain to help keep your skin’s natural moisture. Stock up on hand creams too – store one by your bed, one in your bag or coat pocket, and one at work, so you can top up when you feel your skin getting dry. And read up on how to get rid of dry skin, in case it does catch up with you eventually!

How to get plenty of vitamins

As all those nasty autumn coughs and colds get going, it’s important to protect your immune system with the right vitamins and minerals. It’s best to do this naturally through diet, and although there isn’t as much fresh fruit and veg around during the colder months, plenty of autumnal foods have great health-boosting benefits. For example, mushrooms, cabbage and sweet potato – all classic autumn comfort foods – have immune-boosting properties, and even tea is full of antioxidants! Read up on health-boosting foods and plan meals to make sure you’re getting a good dose each day.

How to find a fun exercise routine

When you’re struggling to get out of bed on dark mornings, and it’s cold and wet outside, it’s hard to whip up much enthusiasm for the running or outdoor team sports you enjoyed all summer. So maybe it’s time for a change of routine! Check out your local swimming pool for a fun, low-impact full-body exercise, and a lovely way to loosen up and get your blood pumping on cold days. Many pools also have sauna or steam room facilities, which are a real treat in the autumn, and good for you too! Or check out exercise classes at your local gym or community center. There’s something for everyone out there, and an indoor exercise routine will be much easier to keep to than trying to follow your summer routine in all weathers.

How to eat healthily

Somehow it feels much easier to make healthy and delicious choices in the summer. We naturally fancy lighter foods when it’s hot; many fruits and veggies are at their most plentiful and flavorsome; and there’s less cold grey skies and duvet days to tempt you towards chocolate and biscuits. So read up on which foods are at their best in autumn, and collect a handful of light, nutritious, easy recipes that are warming and comforting. As well as making you feel good about yourself, eating well will help you beat other aspects of the cold weather such as keeping your energy levels up!

How to make the most of the weather

Lots of people have less energy and are more likely to feel sad in the colder, greyer months, and although it can seem like a silly thing to get miserable about, you shouldn’t ignore your mood. If you’re dreading the end of summer, make a list of things that are great about autumn – your favorite jumper, Halloween, kicking up leaves – and make a pact with yourself to enjoy them. Collect together some good films for wet weekends, treat yourself to a new blanket or lamp to make the indoors more welcoming, find a luxurious bath soak or moisturizer and warm you up on cold days, and settle in to treat yourself and enjoy the new season.

From knowing how to get rid of dry skin in advance, to recipes for beating the winter bloat – these tips are sure to help you head into winter full of energy and optimism.