
    Health benefits of consuming alkaline water

    Alkaline water is water that’s less acidic than regular tap water and rich in alkalizing compounds, including calcium, silica, potassium, magnesium, and bicarbonate. Since Alkaline Water provides a higher pH level than regular drinking water it helps neutralize acidosis and maintain pH balance that is critical to the overall health of our system.

    As compared to neutral water, Alkaline Water has a pH level between 8 and 10 higher than the pH level of tap water which is generally between 6 and 7. By adding in antioxidants, minerals and reducing the molecule size to boost hydration Alkaline Water offers a better option as compared to plain drinking water.

    Acidosis i.e. excessive acid condition in body fluids can lead to short term illnesses as well long-term diseases like cancer and diabetes.  While reducing intake of acidic foods and consuming an alkaline diet (eating more of green vegetables and alkalizing foods) help keep Acidosis under control; Alkaline Water is an ideal way to address the problem.

    Why Alkaline Water?…because water is the major component of most body parts; cells in our bodies are also full of water. The ability of water to dissolve so many substances allows our cells to use valuable nutrients, minerals, and chemicals in biological processes.

    Here’s a detailed infographic published by Singapore based Alkaline Water Company AOX that sums up all the benefits of drinking alkaline water –

    Infographic explaining Alkaline Water Heath Benefits

    Alkaline Water for daily drinking is easily available in grocery and health food stores.  It can also be bought online or ordered from water dispenser & bottled water delivery companies.

    You can also DIY and make your own Alkaline Water at home.  Adding baking soda or pH drops after determining the pH level of the drinking water you have at hand is one way.  Alternatively, adding a squeeze of lemon or lime to a glass of water can make your water more alkaline.

    Drinking natural alkaline water is considered not only safe but also beneficial since it contains natural minerals. However artificially produced, ionized water which split water molecules with electricity, may likely contain fewer minerals necessary for good health than its high pH would have.

    Drinking high pH water without minerals doesn’t do much to buffer the body’s acid condition.  In fact, excess of alkalinity in the body may cause negative side effects such as lowering of natural stomach acidity, that helps kill bacteria and expel unwanted pathogens from entering your bloodstream.

    The advantages of drinking Alkaline Water are numerous and has been proved with positive results. Testimonials, reviews shared by medical practitioners and end consumers clearly point out the many advantages your body can gain.

    Abde Ali Abuwala
    Abde Ali Abuwala
    Abde Ali is a freelance writer and web developer associated with Websell Solutions, Singapore. He is a health and fitness enthusiast and love to spread awareness among people regarding the same.

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