
    Dislocated shoulder – symptoms, treatment, and more.

    When the top part of the upper arm bone partially or entirely comes out of the socket, it is called a dislocated shoulder. A dislocated shoulder is painful and causes the affected arm to lose mobility and function for a while.

    A person with a dislocated shoulder should get medical help as soon as possible so that a healthcare practitioner can reposition the joint.

    Dr. Ratnav Ratan,one of the best orthopedic doctors in Gurgaon, states that joint reduction, or returning the joint to its original position, can help to relieve the intense discomfort that comes with a dislocation. However, complete recovery may include using a sling, physical therapy, and surgical shoulder stabilization in more challenging situations.

    What is shoulder dislocation?

    A shoulder dislocation happens when the humerus, the top of the upper arm bone, comes partially or wholly out of the glenoid, the shoulder socket bone.

    According to Dr. Ratnav Ratan, the shoulder is the most movable joint in the body, and thus the most usually dislocated one.

    Dislocations of the shoulder can occur forward, backward, or downward. However, about 97 percent of all dislocations are forward dislocations, also known as anterior dislocations.

    When the arm is out to the side and rotated backward, such as throwing a ball and then hitting, an anterior dislocation occurs. The surrounding tissues that help support the joint are damaged as the bone departs the socket.

    When a person’s shoulder dislocates, they often experience severe pain and loss of shoulder mobility. Also, a change in the shape of the shoulder is sometimes visible.


    A dislocated shoulder can occur when a force is applied to the shoulder joint while it is in a vulnerable position.

    The following are some of the possible causes:

    • A mishap

    • A vehicle collision

    • Being hit while participating in a contact sport

    Factors that are at risk

    A dislocated shoulder can happen to anyone. It is, nevertheless, more common in specific groups of people, such as:

    • People under the age of 18 who take part in contact sports

    • Senior citizens, especially after a fall

    According to the best orthopedic doctor in Gurgaon, the younger a person is when their shoulder dislocates for the first time, their shoulder will likely dislocate again.

    This is most likely because younger people engage in higher-risk sports and activities. As a result, the more times the shoulder dislocates, the more the tissues that stabilize the joint get stretched out.

    Younger males have a higher risk of recurrent dislocations, according to researchers. However, the review also states a need for additional studies to best determine risk factors for recurrent or initial dislocations.

    A fracture of the glenoid sometimes occurs when the shoulder dislocates are also a risk factor for recurrent dislocations.

    When a person’s shoulder dislocates for the first time, they can take steps to prevent it from dislocating again, such as:

    • undergoing physical therapy

    • performing workouts to improve strength

    • stretches the muscles in the area of the shoulders

    • staying away from high-risk sports and activities

    Signs and Symptoms

    People who have a shoulder dislocation may experience the following symptoms:

    • Ache that appears out of nowhere

    • A reduction in the range of motion of the shoulder

    • The sensation of the bone slipping out of its socket

    • A squeezing or popping sensation in the shoulder

    • Tingling or numbness in the arm

    • A change in the shoulder’s form

    • Bruises

    • A lack of muscle mass

    • swelling in the area of the shoulder

    When should you see a doctor?

    If a person suspects that their shoulder has dislocated, they should seek immediate medical help.

    A doctor will often need an X-ray of the joint to determine the direction of the dislocation before putting the shoulder back in place.

    If the affected arm or hand begins to turn blue or if the individual experiences swelling, increased discomfort, or both in the arm, shoulder, or hand, they should seek medical assistance right away.


    A doctor will most likely begin by asking about symptoms and medical history to diagnose a dislocated shoulder accurately. After that, they’ll do a physical examination.

    Doctors may tell if the shoulder is dislocated simply on the examination and symptoms in some circumstances.

    They will, however, usually take an X-ray image to aid in determining the direction of the dislocation and the technique required to reposition the joint properly.


    A shoulder joint reduction can be performed using a variety of ways. Depending on the doctor’s experience and the direction of the dislocation, the specific method of restoring the shoulder joint to its natural position may differ slightly.

    Some doctors administer a topical anesthetic into the joint before a reduction to help relieve pain. In addition, intravenous sedation is frequently used by doctors to relax the muscles surrounding the shoulder.

    After the reduction, a doctor will take additional X-rays to confirm that the joint is adequately placed. Then, after wearing a sling for a while, a person’s doctor may recommend physical therapy to help them restore range of motion and strengthen the muscles surrounding their shoulder.

    Dr. Ratnav Ratan, the leading orthopedic doctor in Gurgaon, may recommend surgery to stabilize the joint in some circumstances. The majority of dislocations that occur for the first time do not necessitate surgery. However, if a shoulder continues to dislocate, surgery is required to avoid subsequent dislocations and to reduce the risk of other long-term disorders, such as degenerative arthritis.

    Treatment at home

    A shoulder dislocation, in most situations, necessitates medical intervention to help limit the risk of recurrence and consequences.

    While waiting for medical help, a person can make specific efforts to alleviate their symptoms. They can, for example, adopt the RICE approach, which stands for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. This will aid in the protection of the joint and the reduction of swelling.

    They may also utilize over-the-counter medications to relieve inflammation and pain, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines (NSAIDs).

    However, it is still recommended that you seek immediate medical attention.

    In conclusion

    The most commonly displaced joints in the body are the shoulder joint. A dislocated shoulder can occur when a force is applied to the shoulder joint while vulnerable, such as when a person throws a ball.

    The dislocation is painful and can limit mobility briefly. In addition, recurrent dislocations and other long-term complications, such as arthritis, may occur if a person does not receive adequate treatment.

    If a person suspects that their shoulder has dislocated, they should seek immediate medical help.

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