
    Liver Cancer Treatment In Mumbai- All You Need To Know

    The malignancy of the liver is known as liver cancer. The liver is the body’s largest glandular organ, and it plays a number of important roles in keeping the body free of poisons and hazardous substances. 

    The liver is found below the ribs in the right upper quadrant of the belly. It’s in charge of creating bile, a chemical that aids in the digestion of fats, vitamins, and other nutrients. 

    When cancer strikes the liver, it damages liver cells and impairs the organ’s capacity to function normally. 

    Primary and secondary liver cancers are the two common types of liver cancer. The focus of this article is on primary liver cancer where Dr. Gaurav Gupta who is known for best liver cancer treatment in Mumbai will discuss the basic treatment methods.

    Primary liver cancer usually starts in the liver cells. When cancer cells from another organ move to the liver, it is known as secondary liver cancer. 

    Tumour cells, unlike other cells in the body, can break away from the initial site of the cancer. 

    The cells migrate through the bloodstream or the lymphatic system to other parts of the body. Cancer cells eventually clump together and grow in another body organ. 

    What is the treatment for liver cancer? 

    Liver cancer is treated in a variety of ways. The number, size, and location of tumors in the liver, how effectively the liver functions, whether cirrhosis is present, and whether the tumor has migrated to other organs are all factors to consider. 

    These considerations will influence the treatment strategy you receive. Most of the liver transplant hospitals in Mumbai use the following methods for liver cancer treatment: 


    A hepatectomy is a surgical procedure that removes all or part of the liver. When the cancer is localized to the liver, this operation is frequently performed. The remaining healthy tissue will recover and replace the lost portion over time. 

    Transplantation of the liver 

    The completely damaged liver is replaced with a healthy liver from a compatible donor in a liver transplant. Only if the cancer has not progressed to other organs can a transplant be performed. After the transplant, anti-rejection medications are given. 


    Ablation is a technique for killing cancer cells that uses heat or ethanol injections. It’s done under local anesthetic. This is to numb the area so you don’t feel any discomfort. People who aren’t the right candidates for surgery or a transplant may benefit from ablation. 


    Chemotherapy is a type of pharmacological therapy that is used to kill cancer cells. Intravenously, or through a vein, the drugs are injected. Chemotherapy can usually be administered as an outpatient procedure. 

    Chemotherapy can be successful in the treatment of liver cancer, but many people endure adverse effects such as nausea, vomiting, and chills. Chemotherapy can also make you more susceptible to infection. 

    Radiation therapy

    This method uses high-energy radiation beams to kill cancer cells. Internal or external beam radiation can be used to deliver it. 

    The radiation in external beam radiotherapy is focused toward the abdomen and chest. Internal radiation involves injecting microscopic radioactive spheres into the hepatic artery with a catheter. 

    The hepatic artery, which provides blood to the liver, is then destroyed by the radiation. The quantity of blood flowing to the tumor is reduced as a result. When the hepatic artery is blocked, the liver is still nourished by the portal vein. 

    Targeted therapy

    Targeted therapy is administering drugs to cancer cells where they are most vulnerable. They slow tumor growth and help cut off the tumor’s blood supply. 

    For persons with liver cancer, sorafenib (Nexavar) has been approved as a targeted therapy. People who aren’t eligible for a hepatectomy or a liver transplant may benefit from targeted therapy. 

    However, targeted therapy can have serious negative effects. 

    Embolization and chemoembolization

    Surgical treatments like embolization and chemoembolization are used. They’re carried out in order to obstruct the hepatic artery. Your doctor will accomplish this with little sponges or other particles. The quantity of blood flowing to the tumor is reduced as a result. 

    Chemoembolization is a procedure in which your doctor injects chemotherapy medications into the hepatic artery before injecting the particles. Because of the obstruction, the chemotherapy medicines stay in the liver for longer.

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