
    Bringing Family To The US: 8 Ways To Make The Transition Smooth

    If you’ve been working and living in the US and either have US citizenship or a green card, your relatives can apply for visas to move to the US to join you.

    If you want to bring your family to the US, you need to ensure you begin the process as soon as possible. Do everything you can to ensure the visa application process goes well and ensure you have a suitable home base set up for your family when they arrive.

    Find Suitable Accommodation

    If your family is moving to join you, your individual accommodation may be unsuitable, particularly if you have children. Look into larger apartments or houses that will have enough space for you and your family. Let your landlord know that your family will be joining you. 

    Consider Their Chances Of Getting A Visa

    Consider how likely your family is to get a visa. The chances are greater if you are a US citizen and they are your spouse or children. If trying to bring your parents or siblings to the US, this may be more challenging.

    Ensure your Salary Can Support Them

    Ensure you are earning enough money to support your family. Consider saving extra cash for the first months after they have arrived, as your spouse looks for work of their own. Consider the additional costs of having your family present, including childcare, higher shopping and utility bills and larger housing. 

    Know Your Next Steps If Their Visa Is Denied

    There are options to explore if your relative is denied their visa. One of the main options is the I-601 hardship waiver. This allows you to bring your relative to the US on the grounds that it will cause you undue hardship to be separated from them. Fill out the form I-601 and get legal advice from immigration specialists like Farmer Law to see if you and your relative qualify. 

    Prepare Them For The Visa Interview 

    Visa interviews vary in length and difficulty, but they can all be stressful and nerve-wracking. Ensure that your relative is appropriately prepared and understands the questions that the interviewer will ask. Help them prepare honest answers in advance. 

    Explain What’s Happening To Your Kids

    Ensure your children understand why they’re moving and what to expect when they arrive. Talk to your relatives often using video calling platforms to let them know what you’re doing to prepare for their arrival. Explain in age-appropriate terms what your kids can expect.  

    Be Prepared To Wait

    Some visas take longer than others to be processed and approved. Spouses and children of citizens, known as immediate relatives, can often get a green card with minimal delay. 

    Bring Them Over To Visit

    Have your relatives visit you before making the move permanent. Show them around the area they will live and help them start feeling at home.

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