
    9 Things you don’t know about plumbers

    Any commercial, industrial, and residential property would not serve its purpose efficiently without a fully functioning plumbing system. However, when this system is working properly round the clock, most of us don’t even think about it. But once it goes faulty and doesn’t work as it should, we immediately call in local plumbing experts to fix the issue and take heed to their advice so that the same problem would not happen again.

    It’s only during those situations that we remember how important plumbing is, at least in our day to day life. From washing the dishes to taking a bath, an efficient plumbing system is what we rely on to ensure a comfortable and hygienic daily living. And since most people don’t possess practical plumbing knowledge and skills, it’s the plumbers that we should be thankful for being the neighborly experts we can always depend on when there’s a leak in the pipes or when our toilet drain gets clogged.

    [su_note note_color=”#f6f6ee”]Also read: How to Make Your Bathroom Eco-Friendly[/su_note]

    The history of plumbing as a profession goes back to early civilizations. According to historical records, the word “plumber” was first used during the Roman Empire, which pertains to laborers who are experts in using plumbum – ­the Latin word for leadbl – in creating conduits, drain pipes, and baths. Another interesting point in the history of the plumbing profession is that in Medieval times, anyone who worked with lead was referred to as plumber – even those that use the said material to repair roofs!

    All that said, it is no doubt that plumbers have changed the way we live today, so it only fits for us to know what their job is all about and the day to day tasks look like. If you want to learn more about plumbers and understand how they handle their roles and responsibilities, check out this detailed infographic from Mr. Rooter.


    Blaine Tamayo
    Blaine Tamayo
    Blaine Tamayo has been writing for 10 years now, and been contributing most of his work to different companies like Mr. Rooter Plumbing. He is also a plumbing engineer by day, and been practicing this since 2013. Today, he is residing on the business capital of America, New York.

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