Benefits of Adding Peanut Butter to Your Breakfast

Peanut butter not only makes for a delicious accompaniment of your breakfast, it is also beneficial to health in many ways.

Peanut butter is prepared from ground dry roasting of peanuts. It is chiefly used as sandwich spread with or without other spreads like honey, jam, cheese, chocolate and vegetables. As long as you’re not allergic to peanuts, peanut butter is a healthy option for breakfast. Some of the benefits of using peanut butter are:

Helps in weight loss

Peanut butter is packed with 180-210 calories per portion and thus the notion of weight loss while consuming peanut butter may seem implausible. Nevertheless what make it better are great amounts of fibers and proteins (2g and 8g per portion respectively). They make you feel full earlier, thus decreasing your dietary intake. Moreover, don’t you feel tempted to lick the peanut butter off the spoon? Well, indulging yourself in licking helps in fighting food related cravings.

It’s nutritious

A portion of peanut butter contains 3 mg of Vitamin E (a good antioxidant), 49 g of Magnesium (helps in bone development), 298 mg of potassium (required in muscle function) and 0.17 mg of Vitamin B6 (boosts immunity). Studies have proved that peanuts can reduce the risk of diabetes, heart diseases, and several other chronic health conditions.

It’s loaded with essential fats

Peanut butter is rich in monounsaturated fatty acids which are helpful in heart health. According to a recent study adults with insulin-resistant diabetes who consumed diet rich in monounsaturated fats developed less tummy fat than those people who consumed more saturated fats or carbohydrates.

Also, you must make a note that if you’re buying peanut butter with reduced fat, doesn’t waste your money on it. It contains equal amount of calories because of the additives to replace the removed fats.

Choosing the best peanut butter

Although the calorie and fat content in most peanut butter brands is similar, there are other ingredients to look out for.

  1. Sodium: Sodium amount varies from 20 mg – 125 mg a tablespoon. If the amount of sodium is higher it would conceal the peanut flavor. Organic brands have lesser amounts.
  2. Sugars: Sugar content doesn’t play a significant role in health issues, but it definitely matters when it comes to flavor. For example, if you’re preparing a savory dish or combining the peanut butter with sweet ingredient you can save on a few calories by picking up an unsweetened product.