
    6 Facts You May Not Have Known About Type 2 Diabetes

    Type II diabetes is a condition that should never be taken lightly. Many people who are diagnosed with type II are not educated enough on the topic to make the right decisions for their health. With the information provided here, individuals will be better equipped to take action and improve their health.

    Type II Diabetes Is Common

    People of all ages can develop diabetes. In the United States, around 8.5% of adults have the condition. In the past, being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes was more frightening than it is today because of the advances in care for this condition. With a holistic approach to diabetes, people can manage this condition effectively and live healthy lives.

    Six Things Everyone Should Know About Type II Diabetes

    Being diagnosed with diabetes is not a death sentence. It is essential for individuals to understand the level of care they will need as diabetic patients. The following are six facts everyone should know about diabetes.

    1. Diabetes is a chronic condition that has no cure. It can be put into remission, but a person will always have to monitor their diet to ensure their blood sugar levels remain under control.

    2. Individuals are being diagnosed with diabetes more now than ever before. Young people are being diagnosed with this disease more than in the past, prompting concerns in the medical community.

    3. Many people do not realize they have had diabetes for many years. Until the condition grows more severe, a person may overlook some of the minor side effects they experience in the disease’s early stages.

    4. Diabetes is a condition that can have serious complications, including heart disease, vision loss, kidney disease, nerve damage, and hearing loss. It is important that the condition is managed properly to protect a person’s health.

    5. Some groups of people are more at risk for developing diabetes. Those who are obese, have a family history, or are over the age of 45 are more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes.

    6. Diabetes can both be prevented and managed with a healthy lifestyle. Eating a healthy diet, monitoring sugar intake, and exercising are all essential for avoiding diabetes and managing it once a person has been diagnosed.

    What Causes Diabetes?

    There is still a lot of confusion among people on what causes diabetes. Type II  diabetes starts with insulin resistance. When the body cannot use insulin as it should, the pancreas ends up producing more insulin. When insulin production increases, the body becomes more resistant to using it, which ends up resulting in higher blood sugar levels over time. There are three main causes of diabetes, including:

    ·        Genetics

    ·        Obesity

    ·        Lack of exercise

    Lifestyle Changes Are Essential for Diabetics

    It is important a person who is diagnosed with diabetes takes the diagnosis seriously. Although this condition is highly manageable, it can lead to serious complications if it goes undiagnosed for a long time or is not managed properly. One of the most effective means of management is making key lifestyle changes. Changes to a person’s diet and activity level will help to ensure diabetes complications are minimized. The following tips should help diabetics protect their health.

    ·        Maintaining a healthy weight is essential for protecting a person’s health. A healthy weight means the body is more likely to handle blood sugar levels efficiently. People who are overweight often tax their pancreas and liver, causing high blood sugar levels.

    ·        Exercising at least three times a week is highly beneficial for diabetic patients. It is important to participate in at least thirty minutes of moderate exercise three times a week. Individuals need to find something they love doing and stick with it for the long haul.

    ·        Sugar and saturated fats are both unhealthy for anyone, but especially for diabetics. Individuals should avoid consuming excess sugar, especially in the form of sugary drinks like sodas. It is also important diabetics monitor their saturated fat levels. Those with diabetes are more likely to develop cardiac episodes, so keeping cholesterol levels normal is essential.

    ·        Those who have been diagnosed with diabetes need to check their blood sugar levels regularly. It is also vital that diabetic patients schedule regular checkups with their doctors. They must maintain the health of their feet, eyes, kidneys, and cardiovascular system.

    Diet Changes Are Not Easy

    Making drastic changes to a person’s diet is not easy. It is essential a person meets with a diabetes nutritional counselor to help them make wise choices in the foods they consume. Changes need to happen, and it is important to take them a step at a time. One of the key methods of managing diabetes diet changes is monitoring sugar intake.

    Unfortunately, many foods contain hidden sugar levels that can be quite shocking. Even foods that are not meant to be sweet contain sugars, especially highly processed foods. Individuals need to get in the habit of reading labels. It is also important a person consumes a whole foods diet that focuses on limiting carbs.

    Pills Do Not Fix It All

    One of the biggest mistakes people can make when they are diagnosed with diabetes is relying only on the medications their doctor prescribes. Yes, medication can be helpful in lowering blood sugar levels, but it does not fix the underlying problem and will not reverse diabetes. To ensure their health is protected as a diabetic, individuals must make dietary and other lifestyle changes to protect themselves against complications that could cause permanent damages.

    Diabetes Can Be Managed with a Concerted Effort

    To manage diabetes effectively, individuals must make a concerted effort to do so. They must receive integrative care from their doctor. It is wise for individuals to meet with a diabetes educator to help them make the right diet decisions.

    Diabetes symptoms will slowly start to improve when a person makes a dedicated effort to take their medication, manage their weight, watch their diet, and exercise. While diabetes will never go away, and is a chronic condition, many people go on to live healthy lives despite being diagnosed with this disease.

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