
    8 Self-Care Ideas to Help Keep Your Sobriety

    Resuming drinking after months of substance use disorder treatment is a blow to your recovery journey. Of course, temptation and urge to go back to drinking after attaining sobriety are indicative, especially if exposed to predisposing situations and environments. However, achieving total sobriety is one fight you should never relent in winning, regardless of the challenges. And with these eight self-care tips, you can maintain your sobriety forever.

    Keep Your Body in Tandem With Your Sobriety Goals

    The body and mind are interconnected, and maintaining sobriety requires good health and optimal wellness. Exercising is a great way to stay fit, support your immune health, and keep your body and mind in tandem. You don’t have to stick to the traditional, boring exercises as you can customize them to your liking. Book a modern gym and have a moment with people having similar goals, or go hiking, running with your dog, or biking.

    Get Spiritually Connected

    Getting a spiritual connection is simple and fun. Set up an exercise program that helps you connect your mind, body, and spirit. Meditate often, and don’t forget to help those in need. Stop the habit of judging yourself or other people. Get connected to nature and trust your inner knowing. Don’t forget to celebrate your small wins.

    Treat Yourself Well

    There are many forces fighting against your sobriety, but they can’t weigh you down unless you give in. Instead of going out with friends who drink or smoke, treat yourself to a yummy meal at home. Rather than attempting parties where alcohol and other drugs are served, spend time learning a new skill. Get out there and have your best moments skydiving, mountaineering, camping, or engaging in community service programs.

    Get Quality Sleep

    A vital aspect of every addiction treatment therapy is the quality of sleep and rest. Sleep puts your body at rest, enabling it to recharge and the mind to relax. Getting enough sleep hours daily prepares you to tackle all threats and challenges that could force you to relapse. You wake up energized and stay alert all day.

    Drink Enough Water

    Drinking the recommended eight water glasses per 24 hour-cycle is vital to maintain sobriety. First, enough water prevents dehydration and its side effects, including unclear thinking, mood change, body overheating, and constipation. Alcohol has strong dehydrating effects, and when recuperating after years of consumption, you need enough water to stay hydrated and prevent relapse.

    Self-Care Trips

    Sticking around areas where you’ve grown to build a loyal fellowship of friends you go clubbing or partying with weekly will likely trigger your relapse. Although you can’t run away from your friends, avoiding them is easy. The easy way to do so is to regularly take self-care trips to disconnect from friends, relax your mind and body and stay revivified. Just look for a fun and enjoyable way to get out of your standard schedule without hurting your budget.

    Do What You Love

    The birth of social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook has converted millions of people into copycats. They want to do the admirable things other people do to create and record memories to share on social media. Although it is not entirely a wrong move, it’s easy to get tricked into relapse if you follow what others do.

    Instead of copying a friend who went on a clubbing date last week, why not create your memories doing what you love most? It could be dancing to your favorite tunes, helping the less privileged, engaging in biking or cycling competitions, spending time with your friends, or anything else. Just make sure you create and share memories of things you cherish.

    Don’t Neglect the 12-Step Program

    Home-based transitional 12-step programs enable you to attain sobriety gradually. These programs offer a support network of friends and experts providing the emotional and advisory support addicts need to triumph over addiction. Top-rated 12-step programs such as NA and AA provide the opportunities and support addicts need to be accountable and committed. Getting a customized 12-step self-care program from an expert is advisable for a smooth transition to sobriety.


    There are hundreds of self-care tips you can implement to transition from addiction to sobriety, but these are the eight most recommended. Ensure you get quality sleep and healthy meals. Don’t deny yourself a good life, regular vacations, and benefits of spiritual nourishment.

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