
    Six Ways of Ensuring a Healthier Lifestyle for Veterans

    Veterans are retired military personnel who require resources to maintain a healthy lifestyle and fit back into their regular daily routine.

    They must take care of their health and well-being for a positive stable life post-military. It can be hard to adjust to post-military life, let alone maintain a healthy lifestyle.

    Military personnel lives a callous life under harsh conditions during all the years of their service. If they had gone to warzones during their career, they would require counseling for their mental peace.

    If they sustain a severe injury during work, they must adjust to living with it.

    Taking care of all these things can be tricky. That is why there are specific resources to help them get through the process systematically.

    These are specialized services, especially for veterans with a Navy background, marines, air force, coast guards, and foot soldiers from all ranks. Moreover, if personnel discharges from services earlier on due to a severe injury, they also get specialized treatment for their traumas. Such services are only available for the defense.

    1.    Prioritize Your Well-Being

    Nearly every individual in service is exposed to harmful or toxic substances. One of the most common substances is asbestos, known for causing a terminal illness called Mesothelioma.

    While it takes decades for symptoms to show, you can find the relevant resources at the Mesothelioma Veterans Center to help you start.

    No matter what military background you come from, you must review your overall health.

    The overall well-being includes mental health and physical health. Both go hand in hand. Someone experiencing PTSD or depression can find it hard to focus on other things in life.

    Therefore, taking care of yourself must be on top of your list before moving forward.

    2.    Exercise Regularly

    Just because you are no longer in a job that requires you to be physically fit does not mean you should stop now. If you do stop, your health will deteriorate over time.

    A better way to approach your daily workout is to do yoga and meditate early in the morning to practice mental peace. You can set aside your evenings for the rest of your workout session.

    Even better, join a club or a gym with other veterans. It will make your daily workout session more fun and joyful.

    Indulge in other group activities as well. It will boost your endorphins and help reduce depression and anxiety.

    Include Tai Chi in your fitness routine. It has breathing exercises and slow bodily movements. A low-impact workout that puts minimal stress on your muscles and joints.

    Other benefits of Tai Chi include improved mood, muscle strength, energy, stamina, and flexibility.

    Additionally, make it a point to walk around the street for some time or jog in the park. It will boost your mental capability, make you feel lighter, and improve your mood.

    Alternatively, join your friends’ group and go outside for fresh air. It further reduces stress and anxiety.

    3.    Financial Planning

    Now that you are longer in service, you need to manage your finances moving forward. You must start planning on these lines beforehand to avoid any future mishaps.

    There are multiple available resources for veterans to help them secure their family’s future. Taking advantage of it means staying one step ahead in managing your savings.

    Most veterans start with a new job or business. Others who are financially secure look for investment opportunities to multiply their savings.

    You can select any of these options. Alternatively, you can open a family trust, which is an easier way to allocate finances for each family member, including yourself.

    4.    Eat Right

    Before consuming any food, make sure that it is organic. Avoid processed foods, half-cooked meals, or a day’s old meal. Most veterans consume poorly cooked meals during their duty. Now is your time to consume healthy and whole foods only.

    A better way to approach meal preparation is planning. Plan what you will consume for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and everything between meals.

    Always eat in moderation and set a fixed time for each meal. Avoid eating anything past eight PM. Include as many fruits and raw vegetables in your diet as you can. It will coincide with your workout routine, making you feel lighter and active throughout the day.

    Specialized resources for veterans also provide services for helping veterans cook their meals correctly. The program also helps educate them on calorie intake and what ingredient carries how many calories. It also helps veterans realize what their bodies are consuming and how much.

    Some veterans who are now too old or sustained an injury require special diets. Such programs help them plan their meals accordingly and engage their families.

    5.    Quit Smoking and Drinking

    If you smoke and drink addictively, then you must quit. There are support groups available, along with counseling and therapy that helps quit this bad habit.

    Smoking and drinking can cancel out the rest of your healthy lifestyle habits. Smoking excessively deteriorates your lung and heart performance, making exercising harder, and any physical activity feels lethargic.

    Alternatively, if you do not smoke or drink, then do not start now. It will be harder to curtail and quit this habit later on.

    Like foods, anything consumed in large quantities is bad for your health. When it comes to smoking and drinking, you must be extremely cautious because these are highly addictive substances. So, avoid such substances at all costs.

    6.    Get Screen Tests and Immunizations

    It would be best to get all the basic tests and vaccinations for preventive measures depending on age, health status, family history, and gender.

    Chances of exposure to harmful substances as veterans are high. Therefore, you must not skip this crucial step. It may help stabilize your current health and help prolong your life.


    Transitioning from a veteran to civilian life can be difficult. There are many things to consider. Among these, the most crucial ones are prioritizing your overall well-being, including healthy meals and regular exercise. Also, stop consuming harmful substances, which can negatively impact your otherwise healthy lifestyle.

    Moreover, plan your finances according to your current financial status. You must begin your future planning before leaving the military services. With a well-established career, it will be easier for you to grab opportunities.

    Lastly, take full advantage of all the specialized services available for veterans. These include meal planning, screen testing, and immunization. These will help stabilize your overall health status.

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