
    5 Reasons to go to Your Yearly Women’s Checkup

    Going to the doctor probably isn’t at the top of your list of fun things to do. It can seem like a real hassle to fit an appointment into your busy schedule. However, there are some visits that simply shouldn’t be skipped. A well-woman checkup is definitely one not to miss. Your yearly gynecological exam is important for a number of reasons. In case you need convincing, read on to discover five good reasons to go to your annual woman’s checkup.

    1. Prevention

    One of the most important reasons to see a gynecologist is for preventative care. At your yearly visit, your doctor can examine you to determine your current state of health. This exam can provide a great deal of insight into any potential problems or issues you may not be aware of and, as you may know, early detection is often crucial when it comes to your healthcare. You’ll receive a pelvic exam and a physical exam during this visit, as well as the opportunity to talk to the gynecologist about any concerns you may be having. The doctor will recommend further testing or lab work based on factors unique to you such as age, presenting issues, or family medical history. If any worrisome issues are detected during your exam, you will be advised on how to follow up on the problem. In addition, the testing you receive each year or so can provide your physician with a baseline of your health so that any changes in the future may be noted and addressed.

    2. Family Planning

    At your well-woman exam, you will have the opportunity to discuss your reproductive plans with your gynecologist. This provides the opportunity for your doctor to talk to you about potential birth control methods or to monitor your current strategy. You can also discuss ways to prepare for pregnancy if that is something you desire. If you’re having problems becoming pregnant, a referral to see a fertility specialist will be made. You may receive advice on lifestyle changes to consider that may improve your chances of getting pregnant or help your body to become ready for the transition.

    3. Counseling

    When searching for an ob-gyn near me, you’ll want to look for one who is interested in your mental health as well as your physical gynecological needs. Emotions and feelings often are related to hormonal fluctuations. In addition, issues such as preparing for a baby, dealing with infertility, or managing sexual health issues can have a strong emotional component. Your physical and emotional health needs as a woman are closely intertwined. You want a physician who is aware of and sensitive to this connection.

    4. Disease Screening

    Your sexual wellness will be an important focus of your yearly exam. Your doctor will talk to you about your current sexual practices to get an idea of the types of testing that might be necessary. You will receive a referral for STI testing, should it seem this is necessary. A Pap smear will always be part of your annual visit. This is to screen for conditions such as cervical cancer or any abnormalities. A breast exam will also likely take place, as well as osteoporosis screening if it is appropriate for your age.

    5. Medical History

    Every well-woman exam should involve discussion about your medical history, as well as that of your family. This information can provide clues as to potential issues or health conditions that might arise or any particular screenings you should receive. Your doctor will want to know about the medicine you’re taking as well, as this can have an effect on your overall health and is important to know prior to providing any additional prescriptions. Sharing your overall medical history and current condition can provide the information your doctor needs to inform the lifestyle advice you receive.

    These are five of the most important reasons to go to your annual well-woman visit. Women’s health is different than that of men. You have unique needs and issues that must be addressed in order to maintain your general, sexual and reproductive health. That’s why it’s essential that you don’t skip this yearly appointment. This exam is a crucial piece to your complete wellness strategy.

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