
    6 Tips for Finding the Perfect Roommate

    It is not hard to note that you will need to find the perfect roommate. Sharing space can be difficult, but life can force you to seek one. You will need someone that you can get along with at the very least.

    This can prove to be challenging, and it’s like finding that diamond in the rough. You will need all the help you can get in ensuring that you find someone you will like and enjoy living with. There are places like The Reserve Carrolton that can offer you what you seek in terms of accommodation.

    Questions to Ask Yourself Before Looking for a Roommate

    You will need to decide the kind of roommate you are looking for. Here are a few questions that you can ask yourself

    1.         How are you going to split the rent?

    2.         Do you want to share food and grocery costs?

    3.         How will you handle chores?

    4.         Do you want someone who can also be your friend?

    5.         Do you want a party animal?

    6.         Do you mind having different schedules?

    The last thing you want is someone who will end up exploiting your kindness when it comes to splitting costs. Take time to know the expenses you currently incur, as they will guide you in establishing how much your roommate will contribute.

    You will need to have rules beforehand so that your place doesn’t become inhabitable for you. You also need to know their financial capabilities to ensure they can honor their financial obligation. The important thing is to find common ground that is workable for the two of you.

    6 Tips to Finding the Perfect Roommate

    If you have looked among your friends and none of them needs new accommodation, then it’s time to step out of your circle. Ensure you exhaust referrals from those close to you before venturing out. Here are tips for finding the perfect roommate.


    The longer you wait, the harder it will be. So start by putting out the word that you are searching for a roommate. This will also ensure that you have enough time to search and you don’t rush things.

    Be Clear

    Ensure that you set up your advertisement correctly with the correct details. Specify the gender of the roommate you are looking for to help narrow down your search. Do not leave out any important details.

    Be Real

    Make sure that the expectations you have of your potential roommate are realistic. You also have to be truthful about the kind of person you are to avoid conflicts arising in the future. False advertising can be frustrating and start you off on a bad start whose ending might be disastrous.

    Meet Up

    You can set up meetings with potential roommates at public places to get an idea of who you have been chatting with over the phone/email. This is important when you have gotten a few qualified responses. Ensure your safety by doing the meetings in a public place and have someone know what you are up to or, better yet, accompany you.


    You will need to conduct a roommate preview since this will provide insight into whether your relationship will work out or not. You will do this by preparing a list of rules and expectations and sharing them with your potential roommate. Are the two of you on the same page? If not, then chances of not getting along are high, and you need to continue searching.

    Test Run

    You can both agree to give it a try for a short period, maybe a week. This will give you both an insight into how things are going to be. You will then be able to decide if you can live together or not.

    Benefits of Having a Roommate

    When you find the perfect roommate, you will enjoy their company, among other things like;

    •           Saving money on rent and bills

    •           Share chores

    •           Create friendship

    •           Companionship

    Having the right roommate will make it easy to enjoy the conveniences that a fully furnished apartment can give you. You can use the high-speed internet, in-unit washer and dryer, and a private bedroom with ease. You will also be able to afford the costs without straining yourself.

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