
    Ageing is not lost youth

    Meaning of ageism

    Age is just an integer in the dictionaries of some people. You are never too old to pursue something. There are no boundaries confining you from trying something, out of your league, they have relaunched their life into something beautiful, life changing and surreal experience. Where you are no longer trapped in the shackles of responsibilities.

    Twice you resonate with carefreeness, when you are young and old. Age has no definition and it can never have one. Ageing heart does not mean ageism, but opinions indeed does.

    The common perception which lingers in front of our eyes is the person with wrinkles, holding support, constantly coughing, full of remorse and frequent complaining.

    Youthfulness has started to replace ageing. The onset of this shift is challenging as the belief is deeply rooted in our society.

    Progression towards youthfulness

    “Elder youths “shouldn’t be oxymoron. There are countless people who have proved otherwise. The group of elderly population taking part in marathons, climbing mountains, rowing against harsh waves forces us to change our perception. Preconceived notions of ageism are put in shackles by the presence of these valiant and energetic group of people.

    Adulthood defined

    Adulthood reflects the time which revolves around taking risk. The euphoric energy flowing, eyes gleaming with dream, glittering joy, sudden adrenaline rush where nothing seems to matter but the thirst to extinguish the insatiable desire to pursue which was never done before.

    There are no chains of doubts, queries or responsibilities bordering you. You are as free as bird with wings unclamped ready to conquer the limitless sky.

    Alive not just living. Settlement for life seems to be the most uninteresting deal. The changed dynamism of youth where the ageing population undertakes the task and challenges.

    Myths debunked

    They have debunked the myths of ageing, activities resonating with the era of youthfulness are pursued by over enthusiastic group of people in gigantic numbers. They are not limited with reduced agility, decreased energy levels and weak muscles. The quest to pursue the challenging and discomforting is what sets them apart.

    To run, to climb, to fly they know all, people crashes the myths of ageing where there is a complete turnaround of youth. Follow the steps framed by your heart they know where to take you.

    Out of league examples

    The woman who was elated when she turned 95, the reason being the confirmation that she can run in the age category of 95-99. She was seen tightly clutching the strings of 42 medals clinging together and narrating the tales of her victory in various world records.

    She travelled to Budapest to set the inevitable record to take part in world championship setting an example that age has not restricted her from trying something extraordinary.

    What her life imparted was to live a life with exuberance until you are enclosed in the little box. She lived her life like a fearless tigress. Highlighting the spirit which later proved to be the inspiration for many.

    Experienced Entrepreneur excelling

    Take a leap into the skyline of entrepreneurship where the tales Harland Sanders is an outlandish example for whom rejections never played any central role, he got red ticket from dozens of jobs changed numerous fields but what kept him alive was the zeal to march for one last time.

    The age of 64 he was successful in starting Kentucky Fried Chicken franchise which is multi dollar company till today.

    Sail through the harsh waves

    The other personality who did something so grand is of Ray Croc who had the guts to sail through the complex waves of entrepreneurship. At last he was able to leave a legacy and off course, delicious burgers.

    Look out of the window, towards the rising sun, holding a cup of tea and contemplating upon your life’s choices and relishing the memories. He is free with no major responsibility to be shouldered which reverberated with carefree days of youth, where you were in possession of a magic band to pursue thrilling things.

    There is never a positive imaginary associated with ageing. What lingers is the image of elderly people slumped in the chairs. There is a barren land of hopes.

    Happy faces running to win not just to run

    It may feel a bit absurd fact, but senior population are the happiest groups. Growing old comes with all sort of hassles but it accompanies wisdom accumulated through years of hustle which broadens their perception.

    Everything dilutes to a principle that all will be fine at the end, which makes them tension free unlike the confused youth who are hustling day in and out to mimic the decisions of others thereby losing their identity.

    The new youth is the redefined format who knows to be comfortable within their own skin and take steps to ensure they are alive not just living.

    Examples setting the ageism full of exuberance

    Kimani Maruge became the proof when he enrolled in primary school at the age of 84, for him learning never ceased he is a classic example of age which is just another integer in the pursuit to learn something fresh.

    The most enjoyable thing for the elderly group is to listen to the innocent stories of the entangled fight of their grand kids. The small yet privileged situations of not changing diapers and undergoing sleepless nights is bliss.

    That is the onset of the phase which accompanies no responsibility. When you sail through the harsh years of responsibilities, the phase of retirement is the soulful phase where you have ample amount of time to pursue things you wished. There are many people who slammed hard at the tick tok of the clock of youth.

    Broad perceptions of ageism

    After much contemplation as to what best defines the old age, there appeared two viewpoints: the depressed ageing person waiting for life to get over and on the flip side the one full of timeless spirit finding ways to discover new things before the last sleep.

    The generic old man who is crabby, computer illiterate grieving the loss of his wife, reflecting upon life. His youth seem to have faded, leaving him with memories and only couple of years left until the final call.

    The thought of relieving the youth made him to be more tech savvy and energetic. He marched to pursue his long-lost dream of youth with the energy of twenties and looks of his eighties. The old man restored his life with a flavour of new nectar.

    Exuberant face of ageism

    Ageing is by default assumed to be belittling where diseases become your faithful companion. You are full of complains. The age-old picture of ageing is changing day by day by the ones who are more eager to taste the flavour of life with enthusiasm.

    Ageism has started to set new trends. Stereotypical views are losing grounds and are slashed hard.

    My Elation knew no limits, when I saw the age group of 80-84 people running for a marathon. Plumping with energy, valiant unlike the complaining doddering oldies.

    The results were surprising when they completed the race by 3 seconds lower than the world-famous runner Usain bolt in London Olympics.

    The level of agility and the happy faces took me by surprise. My perceptions were altered and the era to reconfigure the idea of ageism found its way.

    Legends proved the opposite

    The picture of old age is painted in misleading colours of disease, remorse and complains. The sensation to fly high matters. however, excluded they might be from the group of youngsters.

    Sports which resonates with youth as a changed definition where, the lady Rosemary Chrimes, from Scotland, is in spree of winning heart, ran British master’s Indoor Track & Field Championships at Lee Valley in March 2014, with a throw of 9.58m with her wrinkled yet energetic hands.

    One step at a time is everything you need

    What these ageing people did differently was to take the tiniest step possible towards something they loved, and the rest is history. At the day end, age is just another integer which doesn’t restrict you from pursuing what you love.

    Life’s too short to stack yourself at home with pending dreams lingering in your sleepless eyes.

    Have dream act, act now

    The advent of activities like video games which is fascinating to every age group. The clan was joined by Doris who clenched the world record with 1112300 points in Twin Galaxies’ Tournament Settings which is one of the toughest game. Adults fighting hard to win was taken aback by her score, the legend of video games stood as an exception.

    The women who achieved the inevitable

    The fate achieved by Minoru Saito who circumnavigated across the globe was nothing short of astounding. No barrier which accompanies age could bind him from circumnavigating around the world for eight times. Nothing is impossible for these new born youths.

    Mountains are not the hardest

    Tamae Watanabe conquered daunting mountains at the age of 28. She climbed mount Mckinly, after fulfilling all her responsibilities, she was back to pursue what was left behind. She climbed Mount Blanc, Mount Kilimanjaro and Aconcagua. She became the oldest woman to scale mount Everest at the age of 73.

    Black hat and the music ruled the entire world

    When sassy life is associated with the youth of today. The example of Smoky Dawson, is way out of league where at the age of 92 he released his first album which has the collection of original songs entitled “Homestead of My Dreams” making him the oldest person to release new album. with the hat and the curious heart, he won many hearts which followed golden trophies in multiple categories.

    Helping other fight the life disorders

    At the age which is meant to take rest, the lady named Dr. Leila Denmark aged 103, wearing white coat, prescribing medicines, telling patients ways to ensure quick recovery is an inspiration to live and shoulder the responsibilities towards humanity, she became the oldest practicing pediatrician at the time of her death. She was one of the 4th oldest verified person.

    Run and run until you conquer

    “Conquer the inevitable” was the dream of Gladys Burrill who ran many marathons and simultaneously undergone grueling training to endure the physical challenge. At the fragile age of 92, she was able to get an entry in Guinness Book of World Records’ which makes her the Oldest Female Marathon Finisher.

    Take part, work hard and just hit hard

    The example of Pavel Rezvoy aged 67, to have rowed 3000 miles making him the oldest rower in the history, the age was never a question where he dared to row for continuous 61 days to achieve this inevitable fate.

    Little spark of entertainment

    Acting and movies are not left unconquered by the elderly population, the example Jessica Tandy aged 80, holding the monumental trophy for her role in driving miss daisy making her the oldest actor to win Academy Award

    All these people make us believe that life is nothing sort of a miracle when you progress through life not only you are in possession of infinite wisdom but the realization that life is indeed a gift, which is not meant to be wasted and you end by rejoicing everyday with new vigor. You have flavor of youth overpowering your senses.

    Age is the matter of mind more than body

    All the above instances are listed to highlight the fact that “some age at 18 while other are young at 90 too”, there seems to be no correlation between age and youthfulness, one should know to define youth in a better way.

    No one wishes to see the grumpiness in their old age, lamenting over the problems they are facing from toe to tip. The imagination is molded. “ageing youth” has an altered definition and is replaced with the energy of youth who are resolute to fly in air, sail in the harsh waves.

    The representation of ageism associated with loss of vigor gives a hackneyed depiction of old age which proved to be false by various great personalities who took it one step ahead.

    Ageism which is belittled sometimes while other times the wisdom of the ageing population surprises us. There are many examples of people who dared to stood apart in pursuing something they loved to do, the liberty to enjoy does not come with the age bar.

    We live in the culture where ageism is metaphor used for not so pleasing experiences. but this age-old myth is not true, and one should look beyond to get a clear idea.

    The definition of ageism is notoriously unstable while for some age groups the onset is daunting and to be met with monotony while for others it is a passport to fly into the world of their dreams.

    Rashmi Adwani
    Rashmi Adwani
    Rashmi Adwani based in Mumbai , has been writing for various healthcare units. She has been writing various blogs for the past two years on various social platforms. Her articles are mostly about the  health awareness. Her interest in forming a strong perception around topics which need awareness is responsible beyond many exceptional articles. Right now she is working with ARTIUS Hospital in order to support campaigns to spread awareness among masses about health issues.

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