
    Tips on finding time for reading Bible every day using apps

    The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge and wisdom. And, knowledge of the Bible is a step closer to God. Reading the Bible is a great way to learn more about God and develop a close relationship with Him.

    Reading the Bible motivates your spirit and encourages you to overcome the trials and tribulations of this life. It’s a gateway to finding your way in life and making it to God’s promise of eternal life.

    Therefore, it’s important to learn how to read the Bible. Although you can use your physical Bible for the study, apps have made it easier to continue reading the holy book wherever you go.

    You can study the Bible alone, with a group of friends or your family. While working on this article, I came across various apps for Bible study you find useful. Check them out here:

    Useful Bible Study Apps

    If you don’t find something that you like, use the following tips to help you find a more suitable Bible study app.

    1. Find Apps with Bible Passages to Encourage You When Feeling Hopeless

    When having a rough day or going through tough times, you’re bound to feel discouraged and hopeless. In most cases, you may have nowhere or no one to turn to for help. This is where engaging in a Bible reading online can come in handy.

    You can do the reading alone online or with a group of friends to brighten your spirit. The word of God is full of encouraging passages that can help motivate your gloomy spirit. What’s more, the word of God is powerful and alive, explaining why you’re bound to feel better after studying the Bible.

    Even if you’re dealing with a loss, you won’t regret studying your Bible. The word of God can encourage you and motivate you to overcome the loss of a loved one or even a job. All you’ve got to do is create some time for a reading session. If you can do this daily, the more effective the word will be on your life.

    In case you don’t know where to begin or what to study, consult your pastor or minister for help. Otherwise, a quick search online will help you unearth the most relevant Bible verses to your situation. Most Bible apps have a search feature to help with this.

    2. Consider Audio Bibles when Going on Long Trips or Commuting to Work

    A great alternative to your text-based Holy Book when traveling is an audio Bible. Whether you intend to drive to a business event, a convention or simply commuting to work several hours away, you can listen to an audio Bible to continue studying the word of God.

    With many audio Bible available on app stores, read user reviews to help you choose the most suitable one for your unique needs. Consider a free download you can still use even when your phone is offline or even a podcast.

    Listening to an audio Bible isn’t just a great way to pass time and keep busy during your long trip. It’s also a great way to begin your day on a positive note or unwind after a long tiresome day. What’s more, if you aren’t a fan of reading text, you’ll enjoy listening to the word of God through audio.

    3. Opt for a Family Bible to Bring Your Family Together

    A family that reads the Bible together, stays together. Reading the Holy Book is one way of uniting your family and making sure that it stays together. It’s a great way to teach your kids about God and the ways of the Lord.

    It’s also a great way to spend quality time together as a family. With the time spent together, the bond between your family members grows. Consider workbook Bible study or listening to audio or watching videos as part of studying the word of God.

    Keeping your family engaged is important to make sure everyone is alert during the study. What’s more, your kids can relax from the negativity they experience from other children in school. They also learn to trust God and know that they can always talk to Him anytime.


    If you’re looking to help your kids or a group of children to study the Bible, consider getting one meant for kids. Children’s Bibles often feature large font and graphics to keep the young ones engaged and motivated to read the word of God. Bible study games also handy when dealing with kids and teaching them how to read or study the word of God.

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