
    Why New Age Digital Education Needs Modern Solutions

    The concept of remote education looked futuristic a few months back. But now, the equations have changed. Children are getting education over the internet, which is deemed the ‘new normal’ by experts. This has opened doors for teachers and students alike to explore modern ways to impart and gain knowledge, respectively. 

    Methods and processes of e-learning are highly robust. These benefits of online modes of learning will save us from these challenging times. It is student-centered and provides a lot of time and location versatility. The e-learning methods allow us to tailor our procedures and processes according to students’ needs. Several online resources are critical for an efficient and effective learning environment.

    In this crisis, educators should use a mix of audio, videos and text to reach their students to keep a human touch on their lectures. This will lead to developing a collaborative and engaging learning environment where students can provide immediate input, inquiry, and fascinating learning.

    The function of e-learning that remains available 24/7 is useful in circumstances such as disasters caused by human beings, natural disasters. or pandemics like Covid-19.

    There is a rising need for technology due to online education. Teachers need to have access to powerful tools so that they can connect to their students efficiently. Also, the students need a secure and robust infrastructure that connects them to the institution. 

    A lot of knowledge sharing happens over the online medium, and sometimes it gets too overwhelming for teachers. They are new to this sort of job and then even students are trying to adapt to this new normal at such a young age. 

    There should be something that can give justice to their efforts. And this is where it comes to having modern solutions to connect, collaborate, archive, and share academic-related information. 

    This new-age education is all digital. And given the existing sophistication around key tools, it is about time that the technology rejigs to better teachers and students. Modern education requires more targeted learning, personalized learning and customized support.

    It means blending in the analytics to provide an adaptive learning environment in various educational institutions, including b-schools, universities and online learning platforms. Big data-led resources enable teachers with hands-on insights into how they learn.

    It clarifies to the students on which subjects they understood and the students were lagging. It allows them to pace their guidance based on each student’s learning capacity so that they can reach learning goals more significantly.

    A plethora of tools can come in handy to address this concern. Here’s why digital education should need innovative technology solutions to share knowledge banks. 

    Offline Documentation

    There is a reason why we bought stationery like books, pens, pencils, and other stuff. Back in days, we wrote notes of what teachers taught us and then read it for examinations. Modern times will have new challenges for teachers and students

    They will need technology to create offline documentation of classroom sessions. This includes sharing word docs using Office 365 or opting for Google Docs. Also, there are applications like Google Drive and OneDrive, where information is stored on the cloud and available for download to offline. Evernote is also a great tool for teachers and students alike to share notes and make it available offline quickly.

    Digital Learning Curriculum

    In addition to conventional study materials, digital learning materials are common with the expansion of e-learning and its environment. An integral aspect of modern e-learning solutions is the electronic accessibility of learning materials. These learning materials previously only surpassed the standard of digital curricula, including scanned digital versions of conventional textbooks and transformations of text file formats for portable use.

    The new Web 2.0 services for edtech and e-learning apps support the full use of digital learning content, typically using digital protocols. Such a popular standard framework is SCORM and its varied variants, which can also adaptively handle images, animations, interactive animations and online tests.

    Online Assignments

    Evaluating class assignments for online education will require a whole cloud architecture to get involved. It gets too taxing even for institutes to set up such a network quickly and make it fool proof that keeps it away from hackers and spammers. One of e best ways to address this situation, especially for art and craft assignments, is to have the Lugelo app

    This one is quite fascinating for everyone, as students can easily click pictures and upload it while teachers can see those and grade them separately. There is more to the app than just enabling file sharing and picture uploading. It also includes stamping the memories with time and date so that there is a documentation with a timestamp to it for future reference.

    Group Sharing for Activities

    Team building is good work for the grey cells of the little ones. They inspire children to work together to accomplish a shared purpose. Whether at home or in school, kids should learn to belong to a different team. There are a variety of programs for educating children about teamwork.

    This is why modern education relies heavily on collaboration with schools promoting group activities that are critical to ensure children feel connected as if they are in the classroom. Bringing in such dynamism would mean teaming up children with one other to perform tasks online that would have otherwise happened offline. 

    Team building tasks like creating a Pictionary match the fact with a partner, name game, etc. are necessary to keep students meaningfully engaged. The new normal can have apps like Teams that create chat rooms for students. Such resources can boost children’s productivity without overwhelming teaching staff.

    Enhancing Interactivities

    Education is fun only if there is two-way interaction happening amongst teachers and students. But controlling an online class is another herculean task. That is why new-age apps like Google Classroom are necessary to enable greater control over the session and manoeuvre students to participate actively. 

    There are always better ways to have higher interactivities, and it includes sharing pictures and videos. Luring students to an online classroom is an art and it is more important to retain their attention. Without such creative technology solutions, it is almost impossible to have students sit through the whole session. 

    Conducting Examination

    A secure examination portal is the need of an hour. Online examinations require setting up web-based software for institutions to navigate the performance and ensure faster results. 

    Most high-end schools would opt for customized software to conduct online examinations that blend with students’ simulating experience like in real examinations. To ensure students do not surrender to malpractices, the institutes can use invasive yet necessary remote monitoring tools.


    As the cloud becomes more prevalent in the education industry and more students and educational aspirants turn to e-learning, educational applications and evaluation platforms must be linked. Thus, educators and owners of e-learning and LMS platforms will achieve a learning-business target alignment with convergence and interoperability.

    We are yet to know the full scope of online education. But one thing is sure; it has evolved quite well and way too fast for anyone to catch up. Schools, teachers, parents, and children contribute to this phenomenon that will only grow for good with time. The contemporary technologies are taking over the traditional way of education, breeding a new generation of remote students that prioritize their safety.

    Musa Mawanda
    Musa Mawanda
    Musa Mawanda, Ph. D is a Founder and CEO of Lugelo, Inc., a mobile and web app for private journals, scrapbooks, biographies and storybooks. Musa aims to combine with new approaches to education by intelligent use of technology and innovation. He has been a guest speaker at universities.

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