
    How to free yourself from the stress of new technologies

    The screens have invaded our daily lives, sometimes causing problems of anxiety and concentration. Discover the tips to avoid them and also the tips to relieve stress is to have an idea to recover losses that on your software. Email, voicemail, SMS, are the means of transmitting a message, in the physical absence of the recipient of the word. Telephone, instant messaging, are the means of sending a message, in the presence of the recipient of the message. In any case, these modern means cause a stress situation. Just knowing the number of messages waiting for reading makes you want to give up. After all, your job is not to spend your time reading them but to do the tasks that are your job. This stress results in nervous fatigue, insomnia, etc. Your performance suffers.

    How to finally relieve yourself from the stress of new technologies

    High-tech devices have many advantages. They allow us to keep in touch with our loved ones, regardless of geographical distance, and help us exchange personal and business information very quickly. But for some people, the ubiquity of technology can cause a drop in concentration, a lack of attention and constant impatience. Our brain gets used to being rewarded by that feeling of well-being that we feel after responding to an email or a phone call and ends up getting hooked. As a result, instead of helping us, screens absorb us and prevent us from being as productive as we wanted. But rest assured, there are numerous ways to limit this anxiety effect.

    1. Avoid temptations

    You need to focus on one project but cannot close the Facebook page? There are software “productivity boosters” to help you. The Health site recommends LeechBlock, a free extension for your browser that you can set to prevent you from being scattered at certain times of the day. Otherwise, set an alarm clock yourself to allow breaks from time to time.

    2. Better manage your emails

    To avoid spending your time checking your emails, consider changing the settings so that the application only updates once an hour. If e-mails are an integral part of your work and you need them regularly, try to limit yourself to office hours. If you receive a not very important mail in the evening or on the weekend, do not answer it. The fact of sending a letter back can result in a lengthy exchange that will do more harm than good to your efficiency.

    3. A room without technology

    The temptation to go to bed with your phone, tablet or reading light is strong, but by resisting we improve our sleep. The view from the screens can disrupt our internal clock and cause insomnia, so we try to delimit the room so that it becomes a free area of ​​any high-tech device.

    [su_note note_color=”#efefef”]Also read: Want to keep your kids away from tabs & smartphones? Here’s how[/su_note]

    4. Moments to daydream

    Have you noticed how much our time spent dreaming, reading or thinking has gone down since we have a smartphone in our hands? To redo the world in our head is essential for our well-being. To preserve this balance, try to find a moment to leave the laptop aside. The races, the gym, the meals … choose the occasion which suits you the most to preserve your daydreams.

    5. Recover Data from Formatted Media

    If you have mistakenly formatted your hard drive, your SD card or your USB key, it’s a disaster! You might even think that your data is lost forever. However, there is no need to panic because your data can still be recovered. In this content, we will show you exactly how to retrieve data from a formatted device using very effective methods. If you have accidentally deleted data, you can check out our previous article that explains how to recover deleted files with data recovery software. But, if your device is physically damaged, we recommend that you contact a data recovery company to avoid damaging your equipment (and your data).The term “formatting,” from data storage technology, refers to the practice of creating a file system on a device so that data can be stored and read by other methods. We will not go into too much technical detail about how file systems work, but the main point to understand is that any data storage medium (hard disk, SD card, or USB stick) is formatted with the type of file system so your data can be recognized. When you format a storage device, you essentially tell it to create a space in which files and folders can be backed up (a new file system). During this process, the device will delete the previous data and folder structures. If you have a brand new storage device and are using it for the first time, this process will be advantageous for you, but it is not the case if you have already backed up data. If you accidentally format your storage medium, it will not completely erase the existing data, but it will leave you in a situation where you will no longer be able to access the files you had before. This is quite common if you are using SD cards in cameras or Android phones. Also, it is straightforward to mistakenly format USB flash drives and external hard drives containing your data.

    In Conclusion

    If you accidentally format a device, what will you do?  It is essential to take some safety precautions if you try by yourself any data recovery work. Be sure to check this article for complete information on what to monitor, but as a general rule, it is important not to save more data on the device, as this may overwrite the files you have lost. It should be noted that you can follow this process for any removable storage medium, all you need is a Windows or Mac computer, your affected device and some data recovery software, such as Recoverit software.

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