
    What Mental Health Disorders Are the Most Represented in Our Society?

    Mental health disorders can affect a broad range of the population. In fact, every year one in four American adults are diagnosed with a mental health disorder. This is a surprising number given the fact that we have such a diverse health care system that offers treatment for all types of physical and mental ailments. There is a long list of diagnosable mental health disorders, but some disorders are more prevalent in our society than others. If you’ve ever found yourself asking the question, “What mental health disorders are the most common in American society,” keep reading to find the answer.

    Major Depression

    If you’ve been diagnosed with a mental health disorder or mental illness, finding mental health treatment centers in your area can make a big difference in your quality of life. For instance, those who suffer from major depression can learn to truly take part in their life when they are under the care of a trained health care provider. The persisting feeling of sadness and loss of interest really takes a toll on the way a person thinks and behaves. Many who suffer, find it hard to “push through” when life doesn’t seem “worth it all.”

    Bipolar Disorder

    Manic depression is more commonly referred to as bipolar disorder. There are currently two named variations of the disorder. Both are characterized by extreme mood swings. Major depressive episodes make it difficult for patients to take part in everyday activities and experience suicidal thoughts. Manic episodes often bring feelings of euphoria, lower inhibitions, increased agitation and a decreased need for sleep. Sometimes bipolar I and II can be accompanied by psychosis, anxiety and other features.

    Generalized Anxiety Disorder

    Anxiety is a normal feeling, but when it disrupts and interferes with carrying out everyday tasks and living your life, anxiety disorder may be to blame. Some examples of anxiety disorders include social anxiety, specific phobias and panic disorder. Everyone is afraid of something but when a phobia keeps someone from leaving their home, going to a certain place or eating, there is something larger at work. Sometimes phobias can lead to panic attacks.

    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    You will often hear about veterans suffering from PTSD, however it can affect anyone. It is usually triggered by witnessing or being involved in a terrifying event. Those who suffer from PTSD will often experience flashbacks, night terrors, anxiety, anger and spiraling thoughts about the event. Changes in physical and emotional responses, negative changes in mood and thinking and intrusive memories are some of the more nuanced symptoms that accompany this disorder. Symptoms of PTSD can make it very difficult to maintain relationships, work well with others and carry out normal everyday tasks.

    American society is very diverse in its lived experiences. With a little more than a quarter of the adult population suffering from a diagnosable mental health disorder, there is a lot that can be done to improve the quality of life for these individuals. It’s important that the rest of society not marginalize these individuals and treat mentally ill people with kindness, respect and humanity.

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