
    Seven things you’ll wish you knew before renting an apartment

    Getting ready to move out of your parent’s home and into your own apartment might seem daunting as well as exciting at the same time. There are a lot of things to consider before you decide on renting an apartment and if you’re reckless and hasty, chances are that you’ll end up getting a deal you’ll only regret later. Even the people who have rented an apartment before can find it challenging sometimes since there are many factors to mind whether they’re subjective to you or universally agreed. Moving into a new apartment is not only renting it but also having extra responsibilities like learning to pay various bills on time, and the rent of your apartment should be your highest priority. While there are a lot of important things to consider, here are the seven things you’ll wish you knew before renting an apartment.

    Setting an accurate budget

    Many first time renters, who often have a first full-time job to go with, make the mistake of getting lost in the excitement of owning their own place because they think that they can afford it. Consider how much you can afford to pay for the apartment like North Bay Village apartments while keeping in mind that not only you’ll have to pay the monthly rent but will also have utility bills to worry about. Make a choice on the apartment based on that. People often advise to follow the rule that your rent should not exceed 30 percent of your monthly income. Do keep in mind that there also is an upfront amount you’ll have to pay separate of your rent when you first move in an apartment.

    Purchasing the essential furniture

    In the excitement of having an apartment for themselves and the liberty to decorate it how you like, people often go all in and end up purchasing furniture that they’ll have no use for in the long term, and all it does is put severe pressure on their income. Not only is it adding to your unnecessary expenses but it is also taking up precious space from your apartment which will really be a problem if you’ve moved into an apartment that isn’t very spacious. The essentials you’ll require in your daily life are a bed, a couch, a table, and some chairs. Once you’ve checked these items off your list, then you can look to purchase the items you want depending on how you want your place to look like.

    [su_note note_color=”#efefef”]Also read: Home Living: Invisible elements every home should have[/su_note]

    Thoroughly going over the lease term

    One of the most common regrets people have after they’ve made the down payment on an apartment or after a month of living in one, is that they didn’t go over the lease term in detail. A lease term is a legally binding document between a lessee and the lessor, and you don’t want to take it easy. It states all the living terms you’ll have to abide by as long as you’re renting the apartment and you’d want to read it in detail and discuss the changes you want in it with your lessor before signing it. Failure to comply with the terms gives your lessor a legal right to call the respective authorities on you.

    Gauging the reaction of the landlord

    If you feel like the person renting you the apartment seems too eager to rent it to you, have a closer look at the apartment because something might be wrong with it. The red flags include the landlord insisting on you renting the property, quickly signing the lease even though you haven’t had the chance to properly examine the place and the biggest one of them all, the landlord wanting to bypass credit checks. If you encounter any of these things, make sure you know what you’re getting into.

    Examining the neighborhood

    Thoroughly examining the neighborhood you’re about to move in is an absolute must and often people get too excited and miss this step of the process. Don’t just take the landlord’s word for it and see the neighborhood for yourself. The best way you can do that is to randomly visit the place in the day time and at night to see if it’s the right fit for you.

    Inspecting the apartment

    Before settling on anything, you would definitely want to thoroughly inspect the place for anything faulty. These include checks on pipes, faucets, electricity and appliances, walls and windows and the noise that comes through the walls since you wouldn’t want to be disturbed by the next door neighbors playing their music too loud.

    Moving In

    Once you have all your requirements met, it’s finally time to move in. People often make the mistake of packing items and clothes they do not need for their new apartment. Since storage is bound to be an issue especially if you’ve moved into a small apartment, make sure you’ll only taking the essential items and clothes you’ll actually wear. Moving in is hard work, and you won’t be able to do it on your own so make sure either you ask your friends beforehand to help you or hire a moving truck because it’ll save you a lot of hassle.

    [su_note note_color=”#efefef”]Also read: How to throw a rose tasting moving in party[/su_note]

    Carolina Owens
    Carolina Owens
    Carolina Owens is a business graduate from London School of Economics. She likes to blog about latest business news and trends. She likes hanging out with friends in her free time. You can read her post on Outsourcing Virtual Assistants. 

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