
    Tips To Stay Happy During Winter

    Commonly, winters are accompanied with blues. Mostly because people cannot go outside as much as other seasons, and locked in a house acts as a mood spoiler. Also, because the boy gets lethargic and don’t feel like doing anything at all, just stay inside a quilt and spend the day doing nothing. As a result you tend to put up so weight too. So, here are a few tips to keep you pumped up during winters too.

    Plan your winter workout

    When the chill in air pierces your skin like a knife you often lose your motivation to visit the gym. Ironically, exercise is one thing that can really boost your mood. Thus, it becomes necessary to find out ways to motivate yourself for workouts.

    Well, the best way is to reward yourself for each successful workout sessions. Prepare a schedule at the start of the week. And, mark each successful sessions in the planner, while crossing the ones you skipped. At the end of a week reward yourself with things you love as per the success rate.

    If it’s simply impossible to go out, keep an exercise DVD handy and workout at home.

    Take extra care with your diet

    At all costs stay away from high calorie diet. Fatty foods and sugar rich products with highly refined carbs and sugar are just menace. Your blood sugar would increase substantially and make you feel crabby. Have healthy foods, especially the ones containing mood-enhancing nutrients like omega – 3 fats, proteins, Vitamin B, healthier carbohydrates like whole grains or vegetables.

    An oatmeal breakfast can work wonders as it contains fiber which increase serotonin levels who elevates mood and stabilizes blood sugar level.


    Unlike hibernating bear humans cannot stay hidden inside their comfort dens. They need to go out and socialize in order to feel better. Now it’s entirely up to you how you love to socialize, whether it’s a lunch with a colleague or friends, a romantic date or a dance party at home. Find what works for you and do it.

    Also read: Stay-Well Winter: Healthy Habits for Cold Months

    Find the joy

    Winter shouldn’t be all about spending you day inside a blanket. Have fun with thing that you’d get only in winters. Instead of dreading over the thing around you, stay positive and find the fun. Come on, winters could be the funniest season. Warm woolen mittens, hot toddies, ice-skating; these things can come in winters only. So make the best of them. It’s all in the head. If you think negative, depressing you’d feel. And, if you think positive happy you’d feel. Plus, if you love shopping, winters could just prove to be a boon. Of course, you need to wear more clothes. And, more clothes means more shopping. Prefer going out to the mall for buying, but if you can’t there are many online shopping places like ( for India),, or

    Plan out a Vacation

    Even if you don’t really go out the idea of vacation itself fills you with joy. Plan a trip to a place you’d love to go. Now choosing your location, and plans depends entirely on your pockets. However, if you plan ahead you may be able to get discounted prices for both flights and hotels. If you’re in India online portals like and would help you out in finding the best deals available in your budget.

    It’s important to get some sun exposure during winters. It also helps your body produce some Vitamin D, which also aids in elevating mood. Sunlight also increases serotonin levels and suppresses melatonin. Serotonin improves mood while melatonin makes you feel drowsy. So, more the sunlight you expose yourself to, the better you feel.

    Also read: How To Get Glowing Skin During Winter

    Dr. Kishor Kumar
    Dr. Kishor Kumar
    Kishor Kumar is a blogger, writer, entrepreneur, enthusiast learner, and occasional web designer. He is founder of Zigverve, Zigreads, Books & Writers and PastelRed.

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