
    On-demand Apps that will make your Life Simple

    On-demand application development solution

    In today’s world, everyone needs to receive their products or services at their doorstep. No one wants to walk or drive by to a physical store to buy a product or render a service. No one likes to wait for a long time in a queue   tie to receive a product too; everyone likes to get instant access. With the on-demand application, users are able to instantly order and receive their products. Consumers today are able to receive products or services at the instant speed of placing an order too. With on-demand technology, you can order food, maintain your home, handle laundry and take care of your pets hassle-free.

    Today, the demand for on-demand home services app is high because of the instant accessibility that customers demand. On-demand fashion and beauty apps allow users to instantly get access to health and skin care products. It makes the life of beauticians more comfortable. On the other hand, On-demand apps also benefit domestic purposes such as home cleaning, laundry, pets and beauty & salon with enhanced experience and service.

    Feel like a King or Queen: on-demand apps that make you stay in your comfort zone

    Following are the top 5 on-demand apps that benefit domestic needs and fulfill your requirements instantly.

    Blue Apron

    You might be busy with your professional life to an extent that you might tend to forget to buy things that make your personal life better. For example, when you are busy with your professional life, you might face a little imbalance with your personal life in terms of taking care of yourself. With your busy schedules works, it is difficult and hard to find time to buy groceries and cook something, especially if you are not sure of the recipe or ingredients. Blue Apron has come up with a solution to overcome this challenge.

    They have taken the grocery shopping and cooking a notch higher. They provide a service of providing grocery items specific for a particular recipe you choose. They also provide step by step instruction on how to make that particular recipe. Now you can create your favorite or try new recipes’ recipe’s without any stress.


    Most of the professional worker prefers to have a dog as their pet, who will be a friendly companion in their personal life. But the challenge faced is, these professionals rarely get the time to take their companions for a walk or jog. When people go to work, these pets are left alone at home and they are prone to injure or hurt themselves by roaming around at home locked-up. These pets might even tend to start feeling lonely.

    With Wag, say goodbye to these issues. They provide many dog walking services and you do not have to worry anymore that your pet fees alone. Through this app, you can book a traditional dog walker. This person will be hired to take care of your dog until the time you have assigned. One of the interesting features is that, this app even generates a report from the dog walker after the assigned dog walking task is completed.


    Life is busy every day professionally and personally for various reasons. Not all of us own too many types of apparel such that we could wear new ones every day. You have to wash them once in a while to keep them fresh and wear them again. But, it is a tiring task and takes time; especially it is harder to find time to wash clothes if you are a professional worker. Sometimes even when you are not working, it might be little stressful to wash clothes.

    Washio has come up with a solution. You can book your pickup of clothes through the app at your convenient time and you can also choose the type of clothes you are going to give for washing. This app provides a service of picking up your clothes within 10 minutes and returning them back in 24 hours. Now you can stay fresh and smell good every day without having to pressuring yourself to wash.


    Forget grocery shopping. Everybody likes to eat and we all have our own favorite foods and beverages. But, the question is do we have the time to cook them? No. Deliveroo is an on demand food delivery application that solves the issue of taking time to cook food. All you have to do is, go to the app, choose your favorite restaurant, choose your favorite food and place the order. Within a maximum of 40 minutes, your food will be delivered to you at your doorstep.

    Now when you come back tired from work to home, you do not have to worry about cooking. You just have to sit, relax, place an order of your favorite food and enjoy them after it is delivered.

    Task Rabbit

    Maintaining your home is also a part of your daily or weekly or monthly task. Sometimes your home needs maintenance such as changing of light bulbs or furniture’s, etc. For example, consider the situation where you have guests at your home and you need extra furniture’s for them sat or couch in. In such situations, you do not have to invest in buying new furniture’s. Using task rabbit, you can rent or borrow furniture’s or anything else you require immediately to maintain your home.

    This app basically allows you to get the help of the neighbor. This in turn also creates an environment of friendliness.

    Smart apps for home


    Meeting domestic needs keeps your personal life healthy and professional life balanced

    With on-demand technology, the ability to enhance the service of any service provider has become much easier. Users or customers are able to instantly get accessibility to what they need. On-demand technology makes you feel comfortable without having to stress yourself about going to a physical store to buy products or service. What are the other on-demand applications do you think benefits domestic usage?

    Sonal Mehta
    Sonal Mehta
    Sonal Mehta is a Content Lead at Solulab, USA based leading mobile apps and software development agency, started by Ex vice president of Goldman Sachs, USA and Ex iOS lead engineer of Citrix. Solulab help build startups - we are a no-sweat technical partner for early stage entrepreneurs to launch ideas from scratch and for later stage startups to build more quickly and affordably.

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