
    Could This Be The Reason For Your Mood Swings?

    It’s impossible to be happy all the time. Sometimes, you wake up on the wrong side of the bed and feel cranky and irritable, and other times you wake up and see nothing but sunshine and rainbows. However, if your moods fluctuate greatly and cause you distress, it could be a sign of trouble.

    9 Things That Can Cause Mood Swings

    Mood swings can be caused by many things, including mental health issues. However, many other problems can cause your moods to be off-kilter. Here are some of the most common things that can cause a mood disturbance.

    1. Fatigue and Sleep Deprivation

    Do you get enough sleep at night, or do you toss and turn until morning? Occasional sleepless nights are typical, but chronic insomnia can wreak havoc on your entire system. It can lead to smothering fatigue and mood swings.

    While you’re asleep, your body uses the downtime to replenish cells and systemically rejuvenate. Although your brain never sleeps, it does go into a minimal power feature that allows it to file information and recharge brain cells. If you don’t get the sleep you need, you can’t recharge, and your nerves and moods can go haywire.

    2. Hormonal Imbalance

    One of the most common causes of mood swings is hormonal imbalances, especially for women. Do you know the dread feelings you have each month with your cycles? Women have more significant hormonal influxes than men, affecting their brain chemistry and moods.

    One minute, you may be cozy in love with your mate, and a while later, you’re ready to kick them out. If your mood swings are related to your cycles, your moods will usually balance post-cycle. However, women who battle PMS often have mood swings that are more severe and last longer.

    Things may not seem any better if you are beginning menopause or in the middle of it. Menopause is a classic time of swirling emotions and moods. The good news is that most women ‘s bodies rebalance after the menopause phase. Trying these probiotics for feminine health could help resolve these issues as well.

    3. High Anxiety

    For those who struggle with anxiety, it’s more than just a bit of nervousness. Did you know that anxiety disorders affect at least 30 percent of adults and are the most common mental illness? Chronic anxiety can keep your nerves on edge and send your moods into a tailspin.

    You can become hypersensitive and have inappropriate reactions to situations. Fortunately, anxiety can often be treated successfully with medication, therapy, and lifestyle changes. Maybe you can find relief from anxious symptoms by meditating, exercising, doing yoga, or writing in your journal.

    4. Poor Eating Habits

    Assume you’re flying to an exotic destination, and you watch your plane being serviced for the flight. The technicians open the fuel hatches and fill them halfway with jet fuel and the rest with rocks, sticks, and mud. Sure, the plane may get up in the air, but it will not be there for long.

    Likewise, your body is a complex machine that requires whole, nutritious food for fuel. Do you follow a balanced diet, or do you fill your tank with excess sugar, salt, and fat? This over-processed junk food won’t only make you gain weight, but it can cause terrible mood swings.

    If you’ve studied the gut/brain connection, you know that your digestive and nervous systems are directly linked. A poor diet jeopardizes your overall health and contributes to mental issues and unstable moods. While nothing can replace poor eating habits, probiotics can help make a difference in your gut.

    5. Dehydration

    A large portion of your body is made of water, so it stands to reason that you need water to survive. Freshwater hydrates all your cells lubricates your joints, replenishes blood, and flushes away toxins. However, you may be one of the thousands of Americans who don’t drink enough water.

    Did you know that you’re probably already dehydrated when you’re feeling thirsty? You get some hydration from food and other liquids, but your body must have water. Among the ill effects of dehydration is mood swings caused by decreased blood flow to the brain.

    While everyone is different, most experts recommend that you enjoy six to eight glasses of water daily. Keep soda, coffee, and other liquids at a minimum, and reach for water when you’re thirsty. You may notice that you feel better, and your moods aren’t so unsteady.

    6. Too Much Caffeine

    Are you one of the countless people who aren’t fully awake until after your second cup of coffee? Most people have benefits like more energy and greater clarity with modest caffeine intake. It’s a natural ingredient in coffee, tea, cola, and even chocolate.

    If you’ve noticed that your moods are all over the board, you may consider your caffeine intake. That first steaming cup of java stimulates your nervous system, and you experience an energy boost. However, too much caffeine often results in energy slumps during the day, and like a drug, you will need more to function.

    Plus, caffeine is a stimulant that can raise your anxiety level and your survival instinct. A chronic state of flight, fight, freeze, or faint can overstress your body. The results are often physical issues, mood swings, and other mental disorders.

    7. Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency

    What if you’re trying to follow a healthy, balanced diet but still notice mood swings and other problems? Just because you don’t eat a lot of junk food doesn’t mean you’re getting enough nutrients. Your body needs vitamin D from the sun, vitamin B12 to keep your brain function optimal, and iron to keep your blood levels correct.

    If you’re low on iron, vitamin D, or B12, you can experience mood swings. Your vitamin levels are imperative for keeping your body running sufficiently, and your lack of energy and crankiness can come from vitamin deficiencies.

    8. Mental Illness

    Mental illness is a vast category that encompasses many conditions. While each disease has hallmark traits, a few are known to cause severe mood swings. These conditions include:


    •Bipolar Disorder


    •Borderline Personality Disorder


    •Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

    •Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

    Any mental health disturbance can cause you to feel moody. These conditions alter the brain’s chemicals that keep your moods even. Experts call it emotional lability, and it’s a common issue.

    9. Substance Abuse

    One of the first signs that someone is addicted to drugs or alcohol is violent mood swings. Drugs alter the receptors in the brain, much like mental illness, and they cause you to crave the drug once it leaves your system. A person desiring the drug or is under the influence can often experience violent rages.

    Substance abuse is a significant issue among men and women, and it’s not something that can be overlooked. While there are genetic components, there’s also an underlying disease that needs medical care.

    Final Thoughts on Mood Swings

    There are numerous reasons why your moods might be off or ever-changing. In most instances, it’s a simple fix like balancing your gut health, but it can require a bit of investigation and professional assistance in other cases.

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