Rectify the Most Common Mistakes That Are Hampering Your Weight Loss Process

Have you already bid your favorite cheeseburger, ice creams, and muffins goodbye, only to find that your weight machine is still not in your favor! Don’t worry, you’re not alone. This may be the common scenario with a large number of people who are on a strict diet, but clueless about why all the efforts are going in vain.
Experts believe that while, on a diet, you may consume many more calories than you assume you are taking. Calories can easily add up. Sometimes, we don’t even realize how much we eat. For example, a tablespoon of butter can add 162 calories. Even an extra tablespoon of salad dressing added to your diet’s healthy salad dish can add around 100 calories. Moreover, it’s very common to eat while cooking, pick on leftover foods from the kid’s plate, or sip from high-calorie soft drinks; these habits are not rare at all, and they end up adding unnoticed calories to your daily intake. Getting rid of all these bad habits is really important to make your diet plan effective, and to make your weight loss process more effective and quick. You need to keep a sharp eye on your daily food habits before it’s too late.

Banishing favorite food items

While on the diet, banishing some of your favorite food items like pizza, cheese, ice creams, etc. is very common. However, this practice makes these foods more tempting, and you start cheating on your diet plan convincing yourself that a single day’s consumption will not affect you significantly. Gradually, breaking the rules becomes a habit, and you start slipping off the diet’s wagon. So, keep a small space for your favorite food items in your diet plan, and don’t feel guilty about it. Including these foods in the diet, chart will make them less tempting and will allow you to include their caloric content in your calculations, so you are not cheating yourself into a weight loss plateau.

Late lunch

In today’s hectic schedule, not having lunch on time has become the routine. Squeezing meals into your packed daily routine is hard enough; having it on time is not even a priority for most people. However, this routine unintentionally becomes a threat to your existing diet plan. How so, you may ask. When the gap between breakfast and lunch is too long, we tend to have snacks like biscuits, coffee with cream or quick, easy items. These foods we snack on carrying fewer nutrients and more calories. On the other hand, a well-planned lunch eaten on time will minimize the unwanted intake of the unnecessary calories of unplanned unhealthy snacks.

Don’t ignore the vegetables

Forgetting to eat enough vegetables while dieting is common. The truth is that eating more vegetables is the only way for you to get and maintain a healthy weight while getting enough nutrients and staying full and satisfied. Eating 1-2 bowls of colored and leafy vegetables at meal time is an excellent choice, especially when you are on a diet. You can have your vegetables raw, sautéed or steamed, or you can simply fry them lightly. And always avoid excess salt in food, alcohol intake, etc., all play a role in increasing the risk of developing hypertension, symptoms of blood pressure and many more diseases. For some time, it has also suggested that switching to a vegetarian diet can help reduce the stress in your arteries.

Skipping meals

This is the most common mistake that everyone does while trying to minimize their calories consumption. You may control calorie consumption by skipping a meal, but at the end of the day, you will end up eating more. When you skip a meal, you double the chances of consuming more calories later because you are setting yourself up for hunger pangs. Experts suggest that you should eat when you are hungry, but stay in control and make sure you are not over eating.

Eating too little

While eating too much is a threat to our health, eating too little is also a threat to our body. Our body needs a certain amount of calories to perform regular functions. Eating too little will fail to produce the required amount of fuel the body needs to perform these functions, and the body may end up collapsing if the lack of fuel continues. Our body needs around 1200 calories per day. While on a diet, please make sure your body is getting the required fuel.

Listen to your body, not the plan

Listening to your body is wiser than listening to your diet plan. If your plan says that you should eat every two hours, but you are not hungry at the time, then listen to your body instead of listening to the plan. Don’t eat if you don’t feel like eating. To maintain your weight, understanding your internal hunger cues is important.

Think twice even when picking good nutrient foods

Some foods are real sources of good nutrients, such as salmon which is a good source of omega 3 fats, olive oil is a rich source of antioxidants and vitamin E, and a packet full of nuts is a powerhouse of good nutrients. However, overdoing is always bad even when eating healthy nutritious foods. Though you are eating these foods because they are healthy, overeating will have reverse effects. Portion control is of utmost importance even when consuming healthy foods.


All your efforts and sacrifice will work if you diet properly. Rectifying these common mistakes will make your dieting more functional and fruitful. Including some physical activities along with a healthy diet plan will make your weight loss process faster.