How to understand the warning signs of STD

Warning signs of STD

Most people engage in unprotected sex because they strongly believe that they won’t get an STD, or sexually transmitted disease. They assume that their partners are safe. But, how do you know if your partner or you has an STD?

STD symptoms are not always obvious. You might say that you are not infected, but in reality, you already are… but you just don’t notice it. Often symptoms are unnoticeable, or you just don’t know enough about STDs.

Here are a couple of warning signs you need to look out for.

Pain or Discomfort During Sex

Sex is supposed to give you pleasure and a good feeling. There are times that sex can make you feel pain and discomfort, especially during penetration. If extra lubrication doesn’t get rid of the pain and discomfort, it’s possible that you have an STD, especially if this occurs every time you have sex.

Most people, especially women, are unaware that the pain and discomfort they feel during intercourse are sometimes symptoms of STDs like chlamydia, gonorrhea, herpes type 1 or type 2, or syphilis. Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis are curable types of STDs. They can be treated with antibiotics if they are detected early.

On the other hand, Herpes type 1 and type 2 are still not curable, but there are antiviral medications available to help prevent the spread of these diseases.

Painful or Frequent Urination

If you feel pain every time your urinate or if you have this strong urge to urinate frequently, it could be a sign that you have a sexually transmitted disease.

Most people mistake this warning sign as a simple urinary tract infection (UTI). They simply try home remedies like taking mild pain relievers or drinking cranberry juice because they believe that it will most likely go away after a few days.

Painful or frequent urination may appear and then disappear on its own after a few days but the person is still infected and untreated. If you always feel a strong urgency, burning sensation, or pain when you urinate, you should see a doctor immediately.

You See a Rash, Sore, or Wart in Your Genital Area

This is perhaps the most obvious warning sign that your body will use to tell you that you have an STD. However, this is also the most ignored warning sign of STD.

Skin rashes and lesions in the genital area are initial signs of a sexually transmitted disease. These rashes and lesions may eventually disappear on their own after a few days; however, the person is still infected and left untreated.

Most people assume that these rashes or lesions are just normal skin irritations or allergic reactions. They do not investigate the possibility of these rashes or lesions as an onset of a sexually transmitted disease. If you notice a rash or lesion, especially in your genital area, it is important that you see a doctor immediately to be tested for STD.

There’s a Weird Discharge from Your Sexual Organ

Women’s vaginal discharge has the tendency to change a lot because of their menstrual cycle. But it can also be a sign that will tell them that something is not right.

STDs can also cause women’s vaginal discharge to go out of whack. Chlamydia and HPV, for example, can increase your vaginal discharge. While gonorrhea and trichomoniasis can change the feel, look, and the smell of your vaginal discharge. If you have gonorrhea, your vaginal discharge can turn into yellow. Trichomoniasis can turn your vaginal discharge into gray-green or yellow and make it very smelly.
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If you notice that your vaginal discharge has become weird or changed drastically, you should be tested for STDs immediately.

The same can also be said for men. If your penile discharge has become weird, you should see a doctor immediately to be tested for STD. Chlamydia and gonorrhea in men can cause infertility and other serious health problems if left untreated.

When in Doubt, Get Tested

If you are sexually active, there’s a big possibility that you may be already infected with a sexually transmitted disease, although there are yet no obvious or warning signs. It’s important that you know about the warning signs your body is telling you, especially if you are sexually active, so you can get it treated immediately. Even though you’ve noticed the warning signs or early symptoms of an STD, the best way for you to know what type of infection you have is to get tested. So if you notice any or all of these symptoms, see your doctor immediately to get confirmation and to receive treatment.